Houseplant CTF 2020 Writeup

この大会は2020/4/25 4:00(JST)~2020/4/27 4:00(JST)に開催されました。
今回もチームで参戦。結果は 10033点で1419チーム中89位でした。

Beginner 1 (Beginners)


$ echo cnRjcHt5b3VyZV92ZXJ5X3dlbGNvbWV9 | base64 -d

Beginner 2 (Beginner)


codes = '72 74 63 70 7b 62 6f 62 5f 79 6f 75 5f 73 75 63 6b 5f 61 74 5f 62 65 69 6e 67 5f 65 6e 63 6f 75 72 61 67 69 6e 67 7d'
flag = codes.replace(' ', '').decode('hex')
print flag

Beginner 3 (Beginner)


codes = '162 164 143 160 173 163 165 145 137 155 145 137 151 137 144 151 144 156 164 137 153 156 157 167 137 167 150 141 164 137 157 143 164 141 154 137 167 141 163 137 157 153 141 171 77 41 175'
codes = codes.split(' ')

flag = ''
for code in codes:
    flag += chr(int(code, 8))
print flag

Beginner 4 (Beginner)



Beginner 5 (Beginner)





Beginner 6 (Beginner)


import string

codes = '26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 19 12 5 5 16 9 14 7 9 14 16 8 25 19 9 3 19'
codes = map(int, codes.split(' '))

flag = ''
for code in codes:
    flag += string.lowercase[code - 1]

flag = 'rtcp{%s}' % flag
print flag

Beginner 7 (Beginner)


import string

enc = 'igxk{fmovhh_gsvb_ziv_nvzm}'

flag = ''
for c in enc:
    if c in string.lowercase:
        index = string.lowercase.index(c)
        flag += string.lowercase[25 - index]
        flag += c
print flag

Beginner 8 (Beginner)


bacon = {'00000': 'a', '00001': 'b', '00010': 'c', '00011': 'd', '00100': 'e',
    '00101': 'f', '00110': 'g', '00111': 'h', '01000': 'i', '01001': 'j',
    '01010': 'k', '01011': 'l', '01100': 'm', '01101': 'n', '01110': 'o',
    '01111': 'p', '10000': 'q', '10001': 'r', '10010': 's', '10011': 't',
    '10100': 'u', '10101': 'v', '10110': 'w', '10111': 'x', '11000': 'y',
    '11001': 'z'}

codes = '00110 01110 00100 00000 10011 00101 01110 01110 00011 00011 01110 01101 10011 10010 10011 00000 10001 10101 00100'
codes = codes.split(' ')

flag = ''
for code in codes:
    flag += bacon[code]

flag = 'rtcp{%s}' % flag
print flag

Beginner 9 (Beginner)


import string

with open('Beginner 10.txt', 'r') as f:
    data =

data = data.decode('base64')
print data
data = data.replace(' ', '').decode('hex')
print data
data = data.replace('-----', '0').replace('.----', '1')
print data
codes = data.replace(' ', '').split('\n')

data = ''
for code in codes:
    data += chr(int(code, 2))
print data

enc = map(int, data.split(' '))

dec = ''
for c in enc:
    dec += string.lowercase[c - 1]
print dec

flag = ''
for p in dec:
    index = string.lowercase.index(p)
    flag += string.lowercase[25 - index]
print flag

flag = flag.decode('rot13')

flag = 'rtcp{%s}' % flag
print flag


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----- ----- .---- .---- ----- ----- .---- -----
----- ----- .---- .---- ----- .---- .---- -----
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----- ----- .---- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- .---- .---- ----- ----- .---- -----
----- ----- .---- .---- ----- .---- .---- -----
----- ----- .---- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- .---- .---- .---- ----- ----- .----
----- ----- .---- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- .---- .---- ----- ----- .---- -----
----- ----- .---- .---- ----- .---- ----- .----
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----- ----- .---- .---- ----- ----- .---- -----
----- ----- .---- .---- ----- ----- .---- -----
----- ----- .---- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- .---- .---- ----- ----- .---- -----
----- ----- .---- .---- ----- .---- .---- -----
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----- ----- .---- .---- ----- ----- .---- -----
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----- ----- .---- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- .---- .---- ----- ----- .---- -----
----- ----- .---- .---- ----- .---- .---- -----
----- ----- .---- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
----- ----- .---- .---- .---- ----- ----- .----
0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0
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0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0
0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0
0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0
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0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
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0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
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0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0
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26 5 26 9 25 22 26 25 26 9

Rules (Misc)



Spilled Milk (Misc)

Stegsolveで開き、Red plane 1を見る。


Satan's Jigsaw (Misc)

90000個のファイルがあり、そのファイル名をlong_to_bytesで文字にすると、"100 100"というような画像の位置を表すような文字列になる。その情報から画像を復元する。

from PIL import Image
from Crypto.Util.number import *
import os

DIR = 'chall/'

output_img ='RGB', (300, 300), (255, 255, 255))

files = os.listdir(DIR)
for file in files:
    num = int(file.split('.')[0])
    place = long_to_bytes(num)
    x = int(place.split(' ')[0])
    y = int(place.split(' ')[1])
    input_img = + file)
    output_img.paste(input_img, (x, y))'flag.png')



What a Sight to See! (OSINT)


What Google Search Operator can I use to find results from a single website?



The Drummer who Gave all his Daughters the Same Name (OSINT)


What is the value stored in the first registry key created by the virus Anna Kournikova?

Worm made with Vbswg 1.50b

Neko Hero (Forensics)

Stegsolveで開き、Green plane 0にすると、フラグが見えた。


I don't like needles (Web)


<!-- ?sauce -->にアクセスする。


    // error_reporting(0);

    if (isset($_GET['sauce'])) {


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Super secure login portal</title>

        .container {
            position: absolute;
            left: 50%;
            top: 50%;
            transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

        body {
            font-family: sans-serif;



    <div class="container">
    <h1>Super secure login portal</h1>

    <!-- ?sauce -->


        if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") {

            if (isset($_POST["username"]) && isset($_POST["password"])) {

                $username = $_POST["username"];
                $password = $_POST["password"];

                if (strpos($password, "1") !== false) {
                    echo "<p style='color: red;'>Auth fail :(</p>";
                } else {

                    $connection = new mysqli($SQL_HOST, $SQL_USER, $SQL_PASS, $SQL_DB);
                    $result = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='" . $username . "' AND password='" . $password . "'", MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT);
                    if ($result === false) {
                        echo "<p style='color: red;'>I don't know what you did but it wasn't good.</p>";
                    } else {
                        if ($result->num_rows != 0) {
                            if (mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)["username"] == "flagman69") {
                                echo "<p style='color: green;'>" . $FLAG . " :o</p>";
                            } else {
                                echo "<p style='color: green;'>Logged in :)</p>";
                        } else {
                            echo "<p style='color: red;'>Auth fail :(</p>";


    <form method="POST">
        <span>Username: </span><input type="text" name="username">
        <span>Password: </span><input type="password" name="password">
        <input type="submit">



Username: flagman69' #
Password: a

Fragile (Reverse Engineering)

$ cat
import java.util.*;

public class fragile
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
        System.out.print("Enter flag: ");
        String userInput =;
        String input = userInput.substring("rtcp{".length(),userInput.length()-1);
        if (check(input)) {
            System.out.println("Access granted.");
        } else {
            System.out.println("Access denied!");
    public static boolean check(String input){
        boolean h = false;
        String flag = "h1_th3r3_1ts_m3";
        String theflag = "";
        if(input.length() != flag.length()){
            return false;
        for(int i = 0; i < flag.length(); i++){
            theflag += (char)((int)(flag.charAt(i)) + (int)(input.charAt(i)));
        return theflag.equals("ÐdØÓ™§å’ÍaèÒÁ¡");


public class solve
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        String flag = "h1_th3r3_1ts_m3";
        String theflag = "DdOO?§a?IaeOA!?";

        String input = "";
        for(int i = 0; i < flag.length(); i++){
            input += (char)((int)(theflag.charAt(i)) - (int)(flag.charAt(i)));
        System.out.println(String.format("rtcp{%s}", input));

EZ (Reverse Engineering)



PZ (Reverse Engineering)



LEMON (Reverse Engineering)



SQUEEZY (Reverse Engineering)


import base64

def woah(s1, s2):
    return ''.join(chr(ord(a) ^ ord(b)) for a, b in zip(s1, s2))

key = 'meownyameownyameownyameownyameownya'
result = 'HxEMBxUAURg6I0QILT4UVRolMQFRHzokRBcmAygNXhkqWBw='

flag = woah(key, base64.b64decode(result))
print flag

thedanzman (Reverse Engineering)


import base64

def nope(s1, s2):
    return ''.join(chr(ord(a) ^ ord(b)) for a, b in zip(s1, s2))

def wow(x):
  return x[::-1]

key = 'nyameowpurrpurrnyanyapurrpurrnyanya'
key = key.encode('rot13')

result = '\'=ZkXipjPiLIXRpIYTpQHpjSQkxIIFbQCK1FR3DuJZxtPAtkR\'o'
d = wow(result)
c = d.decode('rot13')
c = c[2:-1]
b = base64.b64decode(c)
flag = nope(key, b)
print flag

CH₃COOH (Crypto)


Vinegar is an aqueous solution of acetic acid and trace chemicals that may include flavorings.
Vinegar typically contains five to eight percent acetic acid by volume.
Usually the acetic acid is produced by the fermentation of ethanol or sugars by acetic acid bacteria.
There are many types of vinegar, depending on source materials.
Vinegar is now mainly used in the culinary arts: as a flavorful, acidic cooking ingredient, or in pickling.
As the most easily manufactured mild acid, it has historically had a wide variety of industrial and domestic uses (such as its use as a household cleaner).
While vinegar making may be as old as alcoholic brewing, the first documented evidence of vinegar making and use was by the Ancient Babylonians around 3000 BC.
They primarily made vinegar from dates, figs, and beer and used it for both culinary and medicinal purposes.
Traces of it also have been found in Egyptian urns.
In East Asia, the Chinese began professionalizing vinegar production in the Zhou Dynasty.
In the book Zhou Li, it mentions many noble or royal households had a “vinegar maker” as a specialized position.
Most vinegar making then was concentrated in what is now Shanxi province near the city Taiyuan which remains a famous vinegar making region today.
Many Chinese vinegars and their uses for culinary and medicinal purposes were written down in the agricultural manual Qimin Yaoshu.

Key は "tony"で復号できた。


”fences are cool unless they're taller than you” - tida (Crypto)

問題文からRail Fence cipherと推測できる。で復号する。


Returning Stolen Archives (Crypto)


with open('intercepted.txt', 'r') as f:
    n = eval(f.readline().rstrip().split(' = ')[1])
    e = eval(f.readline().rstrip().split(' = ')[1])
    ct = eval(f.readline().rstrip().split(' = ')[1])

flag = ''
for c in ct:
    for code in range(32, 127):
        if pow(code, e, n) == c:
            flag += chr(code)

print flag

Rivest Shamir Adleman (Crypto)


import json
from Crypto.Util.number import *

with open('public-key.json', 'r') as f:
    pubkey = json.load(f)

n = pubkey['n']
e = pubkey['e']

with open('secrets.txt.enc', 'r') as f:
    c = int(, 16)

with open('component.txt', 'r') as f:
    p = int(

assert n % p == 0

q = n / p

phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
d = inverse(e, phi)
m = pow(c, d, n)
flag = long_to_bytes(m)
print flag


/.-. '----------.
\'-' .--"--""-"-'


Broken Yolks (Crypto)



Parasite (Crypto)







・last = code % 28
・mid = (code - last) / 28 % 21
・init = ((code - last) / 28 - mid) / 21

・0xac00 + init * 21 * 28 + mid * 28 + last
init_list = ['.-..', '.-.. .-..', '..-.', '-...', '-... -...', '...-', '--',
    '.--', '.-- .--', '--.', '--. --.', '-.-', '.--.', '.--. .--.', '-.-.',
    '-..-', '--..', '---', '.---']

mid_list = ['.', '--.-', '..', '.. ..-', '-', '-.--', '...', '... ..-', '.-',
    '.- .', '.- --.-', '.- ..-', '-.', '....', '.... -', '.... .-..',
    '.... ..-', '.-.', '-..', '-.. ..-', '..-']

last_list = ['', '.-..', '.-.. .-..', '.-.. --.', '..-.', '..-. .--.',
    '..-. .---', '-...', '...-', '...- .-..', '...- --', '...- .--',
    '...- --.', '...- --..', '...- ---', '...- .---', '--', '.--', '', '--.', 
    '--. --.', '-.-', '.--.', '-.-.', '-..-', '--..', '---', '.---', '..-']

with open('Parasite.txt', 'r') as f:
    codes ='   ')

msg = ''
for code in codes:
    words = code.strip().split('  ')
    index1 = init_list.index(words[0])
    if len(words) < 4:
        index2 = mid_list.index(words[1])
        if len(words) == 2:
            index3 = 0
        elif len(words) == 3:
            index3 = last_list.index(words[2])
        index2 == 1 # composit of word[1] and word[2] 
        index3 = last_list.index(words[3])
    uni = 0xac00 + index1 * 21 * 28 + index2 * 28 + index3
    msg += unichr(uni)

with open('flag.txt', 'wb') as f:








Hope is a true parasite

Sizzle (Crypto)


bacon = {'00000': 'a', '00001': 'b', '00010': 'c', '00011': 'd', '00100': 'e',
    '00101': 'f', '00110': 'g', '00111': 'h', '01000': 'i', '01001': 'k',
    '01010': 'l', '01011': 'm', '01100': 'n', '01101': 'o', '01110': 'p',
    '01111': 'q', '10000': 'r', '10001': 's', '10010': 't', '10011': 'u',
    '10100': 'w', '10101': 'x', '10110': 'y','10111': 'z'}

with open('encoded.txt', 'r') as f:
    codes =

codes = codes.replace('.', '0').replace('-', '1')
print codes
codes = codes.split(' ')

flag = ''
for code in codes:
    flag += bacon[code]

print flag



Rainbow Vomit (Crypto)


from PIL import Image

colors = {
    (255, 255, 255): '0', # white
    (255, 255,   0): '1', # yellow
    (255,   0, 255): '2', # purple
    (  0, 255, 255): '3', # light blue
    (255,   0,   0): '4', # red
    (  0, 255,   0): '5', # green
    (  0,   0, 255): '6', # blue
    (  0,   0,   0): '7', # black
    (128, 128, 128): '8', # gray

codes = {
    '000000': ' ',
    '245163': 'a',
    '425163': 'b',
    '452163': 'c',
    '451263': 'd',
    '451623': 'e',
    '451632': 'f',
    '541632': 'g',
    '514632': 'h',
    '516432': 'i',
    '516342': 'j',
    '516324': 'k',
    '156324': 'l',
    '165324': 'm',
    '163524': 'n',
    '163254': 'o',
    '163245': 'p',
    '613245': 'q',
    '631245': 'r',
    '632145': 's',
    '632415': 't',
    '632451': 'u',
    '362451': 'v',
    '326451': 'w',
    '324651': 'x',
    '324561': 'y',
    '324516': 'z',
    '700770': '.',
    '077007': ',',
    '780780': '0',
    '870780': '1',
    '807780': '2',
    '807870': '3',
    '807807': '4',
    '087807': '5',
    '078807': '6',
    '078087': '7',
    '078078': '8',
    '708078': '9',

def hexahue_decode(img, left, top):
    code = ''
    for y in range(3):
        for x in range(2):
            rgb = img.getpixel((left + x, top + y))
            code += colors[rgb]
    return codes[code]

img ='output.png').convert('RGB')
w, h = img.size

msg = ''
for y in range(2, h - 2, 3):
    for x in range(2, w - 2, 2):
        msg += hexahue_decode(img, x, y)

print msg


there is such as thing as a tomcat but have you ever heard of a tomdog. this is the most important question of our time, and unfortunately one that may never be answered by modern science. the definition of tomcat is a male cat, yet the name for a male dog is max. wait no. the name for a male dog is just dog. regardless, what would happen if we were to combine a male dog with a tomcat. perhaps wed end up with a dog that vomits out flags, like this one rtcp should,fl5g4,b3,st1cky,or,n0t

Survey (Misc)




>>> import base64
>>> a = 'F(K6"+A-\'QAKWC8DBNV(EZdbEF"&5>EbT#p?Z]jf?XmMd?Z9FkA78j'
>>> base64.a85decode(a)
b'send Jade (in her DMs) `rice_tea_cat_panda`'

