SECCON CTF 2021 Writeup

この大会は2021/12/11 14:00(JST)~2021/12/12 14:00(JST)に開催されました。

welcome (welcome)



pppp (crypto)


・p, q: 512bit素数
・n = p * q
・mid: flagの長さの半分
・m1: flag前半の数値
・m2: flag後半の数値
・m = [[p,p,p,p], [0,m1,m1,m1], [0,0,m2,m2],[0,0,0,1]]
・c = m ^ e
・n, e, c, pow(p, e, n)を表示


p*A p*B  p*C  p*D    p*A p*B  p*C  p*D    (p*A)**2 (A*B)*p**2+(B*E)*m1*p (A*C)*p**2+(B*F)*m1*p+(C*H)*m2*p ?
0   m1*E m1*F m1*G   0   m1*E m1*F m1*G   0        (m1*E)**2             (E*F)*m1**2+(F*H)*m1*m2          ?
0   0    m2*H m2*I * 0   0    m2*H m2*I = 0        0                     (m2*H)**2                        m2**2*H*I+m2*J
0   0    0    1*J    0   0    0    1*J    0        0                     0                                J**2


$ python -m primefac 1654473583289225542637898223202890105229793155648049154615591729969285906185035489335891816982587768857940621086111446948472898558020413418239764400706309051511896603873998731251376123070734938584083464450577263707381779777754030251104042834091839092436678933359962636001191186
1654473583289225542637898223202890105229793155648049154615591729969285906185035489335891816982587768857940621086111446948472898558020413418239764400706309051511896603873998731251376123070734938584083464450577263707381779777754030251104042834091839092436678933359962636001191186: 2 11 11 101 17733194681 21989360161 194838390862027996463 890941089701337639742923670629764992383197102649368033477055542426171609788212371754143394788213291456300216361551640449365841636339404366563906765128981689755176699342918904671528454362377482743831820969956624190146702130809843851
>>> E = 890941089701337639742923670629764992383197102649368033477055542426171609788212371754143394788213291456300216361551640449365841636339404366563906765128981689755176699342918904671528454362377482743831820969956624190146702130809843851
>>> E.bit_length()
>yafu-x64.exe "factor(2264896707546818670727285002520672181772642716242094795010232862539139579838750852742562416508752358715457554620245688072468162086358327123749825805613136390834328006135334709867747538765173162979741225754536350480853234652374489385146248704800006410822837702485074096032356475)" -v -threads 4

12/11/21 19:06:49 v1.34.5 @ XXXX-XXXX, System/Build Info:
Using GMP-ECM 6.3, Powered by GMP 5.1.1
detected Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700 CPU @ 2.90GHz
detected L1 = 32768 bytes, L2 = 16777216 bytes, CL = 64 bytes
measured cpu frequency ~= 2919.045930
using 20 random witnesses for Rabin-Miller PRP checks

======= Welcome to YAFU (Yet Another Factoring Utility) =======
=======                      =======
=======     Type help at any time, or quit to quit      =======
cached 78498 primes. pmax = 999983

>> fac: factoring 2264896707546818670727285002520672181772642716242094795010232862539139579838750852742562416508752358715457554620245688072468162086358327123749825805613136390834328006135334709867747538765173162979741225754536350480853234652374489385146248704800006410822837702485074096032356475
fac: using pretesting plan: normal
fac: no tune info: using qs/gnfs crossover of 95 digits
div: primes less than 10000
div: found prime factor = 5
div: found prime factor = 5
div: found prime factor = 1697
fmt: 1000000 iterations
rho: x^2 + 3, starting 1000 iterations on C272
rho: x^2 + 2, starting 1000 iterations on C272
rho: found prp7 factor = 4338703
rho: x^2 + 2, starting 1000 iterations on C266
rho: x^2 + 1, starting 1000 iterations on C266
pm1: starting B1 = 150K, B2 = gmp-ecm default on C266
fac: setting target pretesting digits to 81.85
fac: sum of completed work is t0.00
fac: work done at B1=2000: 0 curves, max work = 30 curves
fac: 30 more curves at B1=2000 needed to get to t81.85
ecm: 30/30 curves on C266, B1=2K, B2=gmp-ecm default
fac: setting target pretesting digits to 81.85
fac: t15: 1.00
fac: t20: 0.04
fac: sum of completed work is t15.18
fac: work done at B1=11000: 0 curves, max work = 74 curves
fac: 74 more curves at B1=11000 needed to get to t81.85
ecm: 74/74 curves on C266, B1=11K, B2=gmp-ecm default
fac: setting target pretesting digits to 81.85
fac: t15: 7.17
fac: t20: 1.04
fac: t25: 0.05
fac: sum of completed work is t20.24
fac: work done at B1=50000: 0 curves, max work = 214 curves
fac: 214 more curves at B1=50000 needed to get to t81.85
ecm: 214/214 curves on C266, B1=50K, B2=gmp-ecm default, ETA: 0 sec
pm1: starting B1 = 3750K, B2 = gmp-ecm default on C266
fac: setting target pretesting digits to 81.85
fac: t15: 37.74
fac: t20: 11.23
fac: t25: 1.05
fac: t30: 0.07
fac: sum of completed work is t25.33
fac: work done at B1=250000: 0 curves, max work = 430 curves
fac: 430 more curves at B1=250000 needed to get to t81.85
ecm: 430/430 curves on C266, B1=250K, B2=gmp-ecm default, ETA: 1 sec
pm1: starting B1 = 15M, B2 = gmp-ecm default on C266
fac: setting target pretesting digits to 81.85
fac: t15: 123.74
fac: t20: 64.98
fac: t25: 9.65
fac: t30: 1.07
fac: t35: 0.09
fac: sum of completed work is t30.45
fac: work done at B1=1000000: 0 curves, max work = 904 curves
fac: 904 more curves at B1=1000000 needed to get to t81.85
ecm: 904/904 curves on C266, B1=1M, B2=gmp-ecm default, ETA: 5 sec
fac: setting target pretesting digits to 81.85
fac: t15: 425.07
fac: t20: 245.78
fac: t25: 54.85
fac: t30: 8.73
fac: t35: 1.09
fac: t40: 0.11
fac: sum of completed work is t35.56
fac: work done at B1=3000000: 0 curves, max work = 2350 curves
fac: 2350 more curves at B1=3000000 needed to get to t81.85
ecm: 209/2350 curves on C266, B1=3M, B2=gmp-ecm default, ETA: 8.04 hrs
ecm: found prp35 factor = 12281729860152408407525225719635659

fac: setting target pretesting digits to 71.38
fac: t15: 530.07
fac: t20: 315.78
fac: t25: 73.94
fac: t30: 12.62
fac: t35: 1.74
fac: t40: 0.20
fac: t45: 0.02
fac: sum of completed work is t36.00
fac: work done at B1=3000000: 210 curves, max work = 2350 curves
fac: 2140 more curves at B1=3000000 needed to get to t71.38

APRCL Progress: P = 13, Q =          157  (99.66%)
Total factoring time = 7484.0222 seconds

***factors found***

P1 = 5
P1 = 5
P4 = 1697
P7 = 4338703
P35 = 12281729860152408407525225719635659
P232 = 1001860113482890555017710485492420423876242421736095074738385131002929692458471110177277127310688011729127988908466398932019505500863392332136664225101034793814078136979376956873726395552928651794389376576934283525340824695529351511

ans = 1
>>> H = 1001860113482890555017710485492420423876242421736095074738385131002929692458471110177277127310688011729127988908466398932019505500863392332136664225101034793814078136979376956873726395552928651794389376576934283525340824695529351511
>>> H.bit_length()

これでm1, m2が割り出せるので、フラグがわかる。

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from Crypto.Util.number import *

with open('output.txt', 'r') as f:
    params =

n = int(params[0].split(' = ')[1])
e = int(params[1].split(' = ')[1])
c = eval(params[2].split(' = ')[1])

p = c[0][0]
for i in range(1, 4):
    p = GCD(p, c[0][i])
print('[+] p =', p)

assert n % p == 0
q = n // p
phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
d = inverse(e, phi)

m1_E = pow(c[1][1], d, n)
m2_H = pow(c[2][2], d, n)
print('[+] m1 * E =', m1_E)
print('[+] m2 * H =', m2_H)
assert pow(m1_E, e, n) == c[1][1]
assert pow(m2_H, e, n) == c[2][2]

#### from result of primefac ####
E = 890941089701337639742923670629764992383197102649368033477055542426171609788212371754143394788213291456300216361551640449365841636339404366563906765128981689755176699342918904671528454362377482743831820969956624190146702130809843851
m1 = m1_E // E
flag1 = long_to_bytes(m1)

#### from result of yafu ####
H = 1001860113482890555017710485492420423876242421736095074738385131002929692458471110177277127310688011729127988908466398932019505500863392332136664225101034793814078136979376956873726395552928651794389376576934283525340824695529351511
m2 = m2_H // H
flag2 = long_to_bytes(m2)

#### join flag ####
flag = (flag1 + flag2).decode()
print('[*] flag =', flag)


[+] p = 12260270527500005140354303469557914031320743052940580181442343366352651136803519476311929752190095903543237842653732512701302765305896233466661576939731877
[+] m1 * E = 1654473583289225542637898223202890105229793155648049154615591729969285906185035489335891816982587768857940621086111446948472898558020413418239764400706309051511896603873998731251376123070734938584083464450577263707381779777754030251104042834091839092436678933359962636001191186
[+] m2 * H = 2264896707546818670727285002520672181772642716242094795010232862539139579838750852742562416508752358715457554620245688072468162086358327123749825805613136390834328006135334709867747538765173162979741225754536350480853234652374489385146248704800006410822837702485074096032356475
[*] flag = SECCON{C4n_y0u_prove_why_decryptable?}