HITCON CTF 2017 Quals Writeup

この大会は2017/11/4 11:00(JST)~2017/11/6 11:00(JST)に開催されました。

Visual Acuity (Misc)



School CTF 2017 Writeup

この大会は2017/11/5 15:00(JST)~2017/11/5 23:00(JST)に開催されました。

StRiNgMuTaToR 1.0 (ppc 100)


import socket
import re

def recvuntil(s, tails):
    data = ""
    while True:
        for tail in tails:
            if tail in data:
                return data
        data += s.recv(1)

def reverse(s):
    return s[::-1]

def swap(s):
    l = len(s) / 2
    s1 = s[l:]
    s2 = s[:l]
    return s1 + s2

def reverse_halves(s, code):
    l = len(s) / 2
    s1 = s[:l]
    s2 = s[l:]
    if code == 2:
        s1 = s1[::-1]
    elif code == 3:
        s2 = s2[::-1]
    return s1 + s2

def reverse_quoters(s, code):
    l = len(s) / 4
    s1 = s[:l]
    s2 = s[l:l*2]
    s3 = s[l*2:l*3]
    s4 = s[l*3:]
    if code == 4:
        s1 = s1[::-1]
    elif code == 5:
        s2 = s2[::-1]
    elif code == 6:
        s3 = s3[::-1]
    elif code == 7:
        s4 = s4[::-1]
    return s1 + s2 + s3 + s4

def cycle_left_quoters(s, code):
    l = len(s) / 4
    s1 = s[:l]
    s2 = s[l:l*2]
    s3 = s[l*2:l*3]
    s4 = s[l*3:]
    if code == 8:
        s1 = s1[1:l] + s1[0]
    elif code == 9:
        s2 = s2[1:l] + s2[0]
    elif code == 10:
        s3 = s3[1:l] + s3[0]
    elif code == 11:
        s4 = s4[1:l] + s4[0]
    return s1 + s2 + s3 + s4

def cycle_right_quoters(s, code):
    l = len(s) / 4
    s1 = s[:l]
    s2 = s[l:l*2]
    s3 = s[l*2:l*3]
    s4 = s[l*3:]
    if code == 12:
        s1 = s1[l-1] + s1[:l-1]
    elif code == 13:
        s2 = s2[l-1] + s2[:l-1]
    elif code == 14:
        s3 = s3[l-1] + s3[:l-1]
    elif code == 15:
        s4 = s4[l-1] + s4[:l-1]
    return s1 + s2 + s3 + s4

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(('nc.task.school-ctf.org', 41447))

pattern = 'program \'(.+)\' to the sequence \'(.+)\''

data = recvuntil(s, '\n')
data += recvuntil(s, '\n')
data += recvuntil(s, ' ')
print data + 'start'

for i in range(100):
    print 'Round %d' % (i+1)
    data = recvuntil(s, '\n')
    m = re.search(pattern, data)
    opcodes = m.group(1)
    seq = m.group(2)
    data += recvuntil(s, ' ')

    for opcode in opcodes:
        code = int(opcode, 16)
        if code == 0:
            seq = reverse(seq)
        elif code == 1:
            seq = swap(seq)
        elif code >= 2 and code <= 3:
            seq = reverse_halves(seq, code)
        elif code >= 4 and code <= 7:
            seq = reverse_quoters(seq, code)
        elif code >= 8 and code <= 11:
            seq = cycle_left_quoters(seq, code)
            seq = cycle_right_quoters(seq, code)

    print data + seq
    s.sendall(seq + '\n')
    data = recvuntil(s, '\n')
    print data

data = recvuntil(s, '\n')
print data

WhiteHat Challenge 05 参戦

この大会は2017/10/28 11:00(JST)~2017/10/28 19:00(JST)に開催されました。

Pwn2Win CTF 2017 Writeup

この大会は2017/10/21 0:37(JST)~2017/10/23 0:37(JST)に開催されました。

Differential Privacy (Crypto)

$ nc 9999
Hello, chose an option:
[1] Info
[2] Query the flag (in ASCII)
[3] Quit
You can query the flag, but the characters are private (indistinguishable).
Differential privacy mechanism: Laplace
Sensitivity: ||125 - 45|| = 80
Epsilon: 6.5

Hello, chose an option:
[1] Info
[2] Query the flag (in ASCII)
[3] Quit
[60, 93, 88, 40, 79, 77, 147, 80, 136, 86, 109, 82, 111, 118, 108, 116, 76, 98, 102, 74, 117, 108, 95, 100, 127, 108, 99, 115, 78, 118, 81, 123, 123, 89, 115, 114, 132]
Hello, chose an option:
[1] Info
[2] Query the flag (in ASCII)
[3] Quit
Timeout! Bye...


[103, 132, 67, 35, 61, 120, 100, 60, 104, 94, 81, 91, 148, 115, 120, 109, 96, 105, 113, 133, 125, 100, 129, 107, 92, 103, 107, 118, 109, 119, 76, 115, 91, 105, 120, 98, 114]
[60, 83, 77, 48, 84, 117, 123, 71, 101, 100, 105, 84, 111, 107, 117, 103, 86, 99, 105, 114, 99, 101, 118, 107, 110, 116, 126, 113, 85, 73, 98, 119, 93, 111, 113, 104, 115]
[72, 81, 71, 9, 59, 74, 130, 80, 96, 109, 119, 139, 101, 122, 133, 109, 106, 124, 95, 103, 49, 76, 96, 58, 122, 110, 71, 110, 94, 100, 104, 159, 113, 123, 124, 108, 138]
[68, 110, 68, 51, 55, 87, 129, 69, 100, 109, 131, 99, 56, 144, 119, 113, 89, 105, 102, 115, 117, 103, 101, 118, 141, 98, 83, 109, 76, 70, 95, 101, 118, 103, 121, 55, 124]
[69, 106, 82, 68, 95, 68, 125, 60, 89, 82, 105, 92, 88, 116, 122, 114, 90, 131, 95, 102, 96, 94, 109, 104, 103, 112, 92, 116, 101, 127, 94, 108, 116, 126, 113, 88, 214]
[78, 82, 42, 25, 30, 94, 138, 72, 108, 84, 108, 80, 104, 113, 134, 166, 102, 93, 94, 94, 116, 93, 108, 106, 157, 76, 83, 98, 104, 76, 112, 118, 123, 111, 116, 100, 131]
[67, 77, 69, 41, 70, 76, 135, 53, 94, 90, 91, 81, 103, 121, 110, 112, 75, 129, 112, 82, 106, 101, 141, 104, 106, 75, 93, 91, 119, 128, 110, 114, 143, 89, 143, 93, 138]


import socket


codes = []
for i in range(COLLECT_TIMES):
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    s.connect(('', 9999))
    data = s.recv(256)
    print data
    print '2'
    data = s.recv(256)
    print data
    codes.append(map(int, data[1:-2].split(', ')))

avg_str = ''
for i in range(len(codes[0])):
    sum = 0
    for j in range(COLLECT_TIMES):
        sum += codes[j][i]
    avg = sum / COLLECT_TIMES
    print avg
    avg_str += chr(avg)

print avg_str





Sum (Hello World Platform) (PPC-M)


$ python solve_sum.py
received: 4 1 1 5 7 6 1 5 8 7 8 8 3 0
sent: 64
received: 4 1 4 4 9 6 5 3 0
sent: 36
received: 8 1 7 1 6 8 4 3 3 3 0
sent: 44
received: 1 8 8 3 7 8 1 2 4 4 6 0
sent: 52
received: 1 1 1 9 1 9 7 4 4 4 7 3 1 2 7 9 0
sent: 70
received: 5 6 9 9 5 6 3 8 8 0
sent: 59
received: 2 2 3 1 8 2 1 9 9 7 4 9 2 8 1 8 8 4 0
sent: 88
received: 1 4 7 5 3 8 4 9 0
sent: 41
received: 1 7 8 3 5 6 4 8 5 5 8 4 9 2 5 0
sent: 80
received: 9 2 9 2 8 3 0
sent: 33
received: 1 3 4 9 9 5 5 8 6 7 0
sent: 57
received: 9 1 4 7 4 5 3 5 6 6 3 8 0
sent: 61
received: 5 7 8 5 2 2 9 0
sent: 38
received: 9 3 9 4 6 7 9 5 4 6 9 4 8 6 2 0
sent: 91
received: 3 8 1 1 3 7 2 7 4 9 5 1 4 3 9 5 4 9 0
sent: 85
received: 4 1 8 7 1 2 7 3 5 6 8 3 4 6 9 9 7 0
sent: 90
received: 9 1 2 3 3 4 2 1 9 5 4 4 8 2 2 5 0
sent: 64
received: 2 1 6 7 2 4 7 2 0
sent: 31
received: 5 7 7 1 5 9 1 4 6 6 8 0
sent: 59
received: 3 1 5 9 3 3 4 1 5 1 7 0
sent: 42
received: CTF-BR{Congrats!_you_know_how_to_sum!}

Hack.lu CTF 2017 Writeup

この大会は2017/10/17 19:00(JST)~2017/10/19 19:00(JST)に開催されました。

b64 (Crypto 100)




import socket

PAD = 64

def recvuntil(s, tails):
    data = ""
    while True:
        for tail in tails:
            if tail in data:
                return data
        data += s.recv(1)

def decrypt(s1, s2):
    dec = ''
    for i in range(len(s1)):
        code = ord(s1[i]) ^ ((ord(s2[i]) - PAD) % 256)
        dec += chr(code)
    return dec

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(('flatearth.fluxfingers.net', 1718))

data = recvuntil(s, '\n')
print data

in_str = ''
for i in range(4):
    found = False
    for code1 in range(0, 256, 16):
        for code2 in range(0, 256, 16):
            data = recvuntil(s, '>')
            data += recvuntil(s, ' ')
            print data + '1'
            data = recvuntil(s, '>')
            data += recvuntil(s, ' ')

            try_str = in_str + chr(code1) + chr(code2)
            print data + try_str
            data = recvuntil(s, '\n')
            print data
            dec = data[30:-1]
            if len(dec) > 0:
                b64 = dec.encode('base64').strip()
                b64_no_pad = b64.replace('=', '')
                if len(b64_no_pad) == ((i+1) * 2):
                    in_str += chr(code1) + chr(code2)
                    found = True
        if found:

data = recvuntil(s, '>')
data += recvuntil(s, ' ')
print data + '2'
data = recvuntil(s, '>')
data += recvuntil(s, ' ')

secret = decrypt(in_str, b64).encode('hex')
print data + secret
data = recvuntil(s, '\n')
print data
data = recvuntil(s, '\n')
print data

Hack Dat Kiwi 2017 Writeup

この大会は2017/10/13 13:00(JST)~2017/10/15 13:00(JST)に開催されました。

PS 1 (Crypto 100)


from math import *


def get_sbox_for_seed_1396_rounds_1():
    sbox = [70, 162, 120, 88, 97, 191, 116, 211, 240, 171, 174, 123, 47, 59,
            64, 29, 255, 101, 196, 108, 253, 201, 35, 13, 164, 38, 77, 148,
            57, 17, 37, 132, 183, 159, 220, 20, 93, 80, 232, 78, 248, 151, 202,
            43, 214, 8, 75, 213, 113, 12, 66, 112, 217, 106, 128, 129, 145,
            203, 15, 204, 223, 53, 76, 147, 215, 34, 168, 49, 119, 144, 130,
            110, 33, 71, 158, 250, 83, 231, 208, 190, 243, 14, 44, 199, 124,
            170, 68, 5, 115, 89, 210, 79, 143, 26, 226, 99, 63, 138, 154, 184,
            18, 16, 39, 56, 94, 193, 52, 176, 172, 1, 109, 157, 22, 156, 103,
            149, 62, 179, 160, 185, 254, 104, 251, 141, 135, 225, 238, 200,
            92, 133, 126, 117, 153, 169, 180, 237, 87, 228, 150, 2, 230, 249,
            161, 244, 139, 252, 122, 207, 167, 21, 114, 173, 111, 105, 42, 0,
            73, 28, 205, 187, 166, 55, 32, 48, 229, 216, 30, 61, 182, 189, 65,
            140, 188, 233, 127, 60, 227, 7, 19, 131, 31, 146, 45, 175, 9, 91,
            177, 90, 125, 96, 23, 40, 194, 67, 86, 155, 10, 136, 224, 212, 51,
            25, 84, 241, 247, 234, 50, 222, 236, 74, 100, 6, 219, 163, 186,
            239, 245, 81, 72, 118, 195, 95, 165, 98, 178, 246, 242, 181, 102,
            198, 82, 152, 218, 192, 121, 221, 107, 197, 142, 58, 4, 24, 85,
            235, 137, 36, 206, 69, 46, 11, 27, 41, 134, 209, 54, 3]
    return sbox

def get_pbox_for_seed_1396_rounds_1():
    pbox = [4, 10, 7, 5, 6, 13, 8, 14, 15, 9, 11, 2, 0, 1, 3, 12]
    return pbox

def pad(message, block_size):
    length = int(max(floor((len(message)-1)/block_size)+1, 1)*block_size)
    return message + ' ' * (length - len(message))

def sbox(block, reverse = False):
    sbox = get_sbox_for_seed_1396_rounds_1()
    out = ''
    if reverse:
        for i in range(BLOCK_SIZE):
            out += chr(sbox.index(ord(block[i])))
        for i in range(BLOCK_SIZE):
            out += chr(sbox[ord(block[i])])
    return out

def pbox(block, reverse = False):
    pbox = get_pbox_for_seed_1396_rounds_1()
    out = [' '] * BLOCK_SIZE
    if reverse:
        for i in range(BLOCK_SIZE):
            out[pbox[i]] = block[i]
        for i in range(BLOCK_SIZE):
            out[i] = block[pbox[i]]
    return ''.join(out)

def xbox(block, key):
    out = ''
    for i in range(BLOCK_SIZE):
        out += chr((ord(block[i]) ^ ord(key[i])) % 256)
    return out

def ps2_block(block, key, decrypt = False):
    key = pad(key, BLOCK_SIZE)

    if decrypt:
        block = xbox(block, key)
        block = pbox(block, decrypt)
        block = sbox(block, decrypt)
        block = sbox(block, decrypt)
        block = pbox(block, decrypt)
        block = xbox(block, key)
    return block

with open('enc.txt', 'r') as f:
    data = f.read().split(' ')

blocks = []
block = ''
for i in range(len(data)):
    block += chr(int(data[i], 16))
    if i % BLOCK_SIZE == BLOCK_SIZE - 1:
        block = ''

keys = []
indexes = [4, 10, 7, 5, 6, 13, 8, 14, 15, 9, 11, 2, 0, 1, 3, 12]

for index in indexes:
    for code in range(256):
        fail = False
        len_keys = len(keys)
        if len_keys > 0:
            try_key = keys[len_keys - 1] + chr(code)
            try_key = chr(code)
        for block in blocks:
            res = ps2_block(block, try_key, True)
            if (ord(res[index]) >= 32 and ord(res[index]) <= 126) \
                or ord(res[index]) == 10 or ord(res[index]) == 13:
                fail = True
        if fail == False:

dec = ''
for block in blocks:
    dec += ps2_block(block, keys[15], True)

print dec


A flag is a piece of fabric (most often rectangular or quadrilateral) with a distinctive design that is used as a symbol, as a signaling device, or as decoration. The term flag is also used to refer to the graphic design employed, and flags have since evolved into a general tool for rudimentary signalling and identification, especially in environments where communication is similarly challenging (such as the maritime environment where semaphore is used). National flags are potent patriotic symbols with varied wide-ranging interpretations, often including strong military associations due to their original and ongoing military uses. Flags are also used in messaging, advertising, or for other decorative purposes. The study of flags is known as vexillology, from the Latin word vexillum, meaning flag or banner.

Due to the use of flags by CTFs, "flag" is also '2qR4twRCoMq7SQb3' in this challenge.

PS 2 (Crypto 100)

考え方はPS 1と同じ。ただRound数が2になり、複雑性が増す。影響する位置が2箇所に増えることを考慮して、総当たりする。

from math import *


def get_sbox_for_seed_7_rounds_2():
    sbox = []
    sbox1 = [124, 222, 151, 54, 2, 132, 254, 8, 155, 15, 135, 24, 196, 209,
            228, 43, 57, 201, 200, 18, 110, 14, 88, 130, 4, 70, 95, 193, 11,
            23, 51, 138, 241, 198, 187, 244, 77, 185, 251, 227, 202, 128, 249,
            141, 83, 220, 178, 136, 165, 123, 154, 27, 143, 240, 150, 145, 53,
            245, 84, 63, 9, 126, 192, 248, 73, 121, 233, 147, 60, 229, 113, 7,
            102, 109, 149, 186, 79, 74, 69, 247, 205, 223, 20, 91, 212, 168,
            236, 13, 160, 66, 72, 169, 197, 19, 162, 26, 140, 139, 170, 206,
            112, 36, 213, 225, 144, 99, 159, 226, 177, 232, 217, 117, 195, 238,
            216, 156, 137, 199, 167, 49, 28, 252, 218, 215, 10, 114, 242, 133,
            29, 142, 92, 119, 180, 55, 97, 71, 161, 22, 48, 85, 255, 31, 219,
            189, 6, 182, 98, 152, 127, 35, 210, 164, 33, 179, 118, 40, 62, 108,
            183, 81, 38, 44, 234, 224, 93, 82, 52, 21, 101, 104, 105, 96, 129,
            76, 50, 148, 30, 172, 56, 175, 203, 17, 89, 235, 208, 239, 12, 34,
            107, 204, 111, 153, 0, 87, 116, 94, 188, 176, 120, 46, 42, 246,
            163, 181, 65, 214, 67, 90, 125, 122, 32, 68, 166, 115, 58, 103,
            100, 61, 158, 237, 25, 3, 146, 39, 106, 1, 173, 47, 207, 16, 131,
            243, 5, 37, 190, 86, 231, 250, 194, 134, 157, 230, 191, 41, 78,
            253, 171, 211, 64, 45, 184, 80, 59, 75, 221, 174]
    sbox2 = [53, 33, 193, 239, 51, 36, 212, 61, 41, 115, 145, 9, 96, 84, 119,
            209, 49, 52, 226, 144, 47, 105, 95, 127, 130, 15, 233, 162, 72,
            126, 45, 129, 160, 240, 109, 206, 17, 67, 7, 63, 181, 158, 74, 13,
            236, 187, 223, 26, 235, 194, 172, 25, 39, 4, 152, 168, 23, 131, 73,
            98, 248, 116, 217, 150, 99, 71, 101, 118, 137, 108, 178, 55, 0,
            243, 70, 237, 175, 32, 6, 155, 224, 182, 179, 8, 188, 75, 174, 207,
            196, 234, 42, 184, 92, 255, 77, 189, 68, 165, 40, 200, 14, 214,
            247, 16, 198, 59, 249, 112, 90, 253, 254, 57, 170, 167, 64, 103,
            230, 222, 46, 164, 204, 88, 97, 37, 89, 157, 219, 147, 78, 3, 93,
            86, 215, 82, 106, 154, 135, 91, 10, 213, 87, 5, 18, 252, 180, 76,
            113, 159, 43, 146, 79, 244, 227, 163, 29, 58, 69, 250, 203, 140, 1,
            35, 216, 218, 124, 60, 132, 238, 142, 134, 197, 220, 136, 205, 211,
            50, 24, 65, 201, 80, 192, 22, 56, 173, 183, 102, 229, 246, 94, 171,
            133, 100, 208, 107, 31, 81, 148, 156, 48, 21, 27, 251, 241, 153,
            195, 199, 191, 225, 12, 149, 34, 202, 169, 111, 125, 120, 161, 114,
            110, 245, 20, 228, 66, 231, 54, 122, 38, 186, 11, 121, 221, 44,
            123, 190, 177, 30, 151, 141, 19, 176, 83, 85, 139, 232, 138, 2,
            117, 104, 143, 210, 62, 166, 185, 128, 28, 242]
    return sbox

def get_pbox_for_seed_7_rounds_2():
    pbox = []
    pbox1 = [7, 14, 9, 2, 0, 8, 15, 1, 10, 3, 11, 4, 13, 12, 6, 5]
    pbox2 = [3, 12, 13, 0, 7, 1, 6, 9, 2, 5, 10, 14, 4, 8, 11, 15]
    return pbox

def pad(message, block_size):
    length = int(max(floor((len(message)-1)/block_size)+1, 1)*block_size)
    return message + ' ' * (length - len(message))

def sbox(block, round = 0, reverse = False):
    sbox = get_sbox_for_seed_7_rounds_2()
    out = ''
    if reverse:
        for i in range(BLOCK_SIZE):
            out += chr(sbox[round].index(ord(block[i])))
        for i in range(BLOCK_SIZE):
            out += chr(sbox[round][ord(block[i])])
    return out

def pbox(block, round = 0, reverse = False):
    pbox = get_pbox_for_seed_7_rounds_2()
    out = [' '] * BLOCK_SIZE
    if reverse:
        for i in range(BLOCK_SIZE):
            out[pbox[round][i]] = block[i]
        for i in range(BLOCK_SIZE):
            out[i] = block[pbox[round][i]]
    return ''.join(out)

def xbox(block, key):
    out = ''
    for i in range(BLOCK_SIZE):
        out += chr((ord(block[i]) ^ ord(key[i])) % 256)
    return out

def ps2_block(block, key, decrypt = False):
    key = pad(key, BLOCK_SIZE)

    if decrypt:
        for i in range(ROUNDS-1, -1, -1):
            block = xbox(block, key)
            block = pbox(block, i, decrypt)
            block = sbox(block, i, decrypt)
        for i in range(ROUNDS):
            block = sbox(block, i, decrypt)
            block = pbox(block, i, decrypt)
            block = xbox(block, key)
    return block

with open('enc.txt', 'r') as f:
    data = f.read().split(' ')

blocks = []
block = ''
for i in range(len(data)):
    block += chr(int(data[i], 16))
    if i % BLOCK_SIZE == BLOCK_SIZE - 1:
        block = ''

keys = []
indexes1 = [7, 14, 9, 2, 0, 8, 15, 1, 10, 3, 11, 4, 13, 12, 6, 5]
indexes2 = [3, 12, 13, 0, 7, 1, 6, 9, 2, 5, 10, 14, 4, 8, 11, 15]

for index1 in indexes2:
    index = indexes1[index1]
    for code1 in range(256):
        for code2 in range(256):
            fail = False
            len_keys = len(keys)
            if len_keys > 0:
                try_key = ''.join(keys) + chr(code1)
                try_key = chr(code1)
            try_key += chr(code2) * (16 - len(try_key))
            for block in blocks:
                res = ps2_block(block, try_key, True)
                if (ord(res[index]) >= 32 and ord(res[index]) <= 126) \
                    or ord(res[index]) == 10 or ord(res[index]) == 13:
                    fail = True
            if fail == False:
        if fail == False:

dec = ''
for block in blocks:
    dec += ps2_block(block, ''.join(keys), True)

print dec


An Easter egg is an intentional inside joke, hidden message, or feature in an interactive work such as a computer program, flag is 4y7u1t2CELXdPVoI, video game or DVD menu screen. The name is used to evoke the idea of a traditional Easter egg hunt.

Released in 1979, Atari's Adventure contained the first hidden message in a video game to have been discovered by its players; the message is "Created by Warren Robinett", and was inserted by Robinett, the game's programmer.[2] According to Robinett, the term Easter egg was applied by Atari personnel on being alerted to the secret addition.[3] Since Atari did not publicly credit game designers, Robinett inserted the message after the game's completion partially in an attempt to gain some recognition for his work.[2] In 2004, an earlier Easter egg was found in Video Whizball, a 1978 game for the Fairchild Channel F system, displaying programmer Bradley Reid-Selth's surname.

Survey (25)



Square CTF 2017 Writeup

この大会は2017/10/4 22:00(JST)~2017/10/9 9:00(JST)に開催されました。

Book of Allies (Grace Hopper 5)



Password checker (Web Security 50)



-rw-r--r-- 3 root root 15 Oct 4 10:34 xxx_not_a_flag.txt

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Oct 4 10:47 www

drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Oct 4 10:47 var


line 2: flap-31aac7e26de449ee

line 1: flag-bc0a804287546c09

The General's Cat (Crypto 50)


Rotation 17:
The domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus or Felis catus) is a small, typically furry, carnivorous mammal. They are often called house cats when kept as indoor pets or simply cats when there is no need to distinguish them from other felids and felines. Cats are often valued by humans for companionship and for their ability to hunt vermin. There are more than 70 cat breeds, though different associations proclaim different numbers according to their standards. The flag is the phrase with dashes: flag what is a domestic cat.

The Robot's Grandmother (Forensics 50)

SMTPTCP Streamで見る。

220 x.shh.sh ESMTP Exim 4.86 Wed, 06 Sep 2017 22:11:43 +0000
ehlo x.shh.sh
250-x.shh.sh Hello x.shh.sh [::1]
250-SIZE 52428800
250 HELP
auth login
334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
535 Incorrect authentication data
421 x.shh.sh lost input connection
$ echo ZmxhZy1zcGluc3Rlci1iZW5lZml0LWZhbHNpZnktZ2FtYmlhbg== | base64 -d