Texas Security Awareness Week 2024 Writeup

この大会は2024/3/24 0:00(JST)~2024/3/25 7:00(JST)に開催されました。

Join our Discord (Tutorial 10)


- Join our Discord (texsaw{welcome_to_texsaw_2024_have_fun})

PS2 games (Miscellaneous 50)

sqlファイルを元に、2000 年代 (2000 ~ 2009 年を含む) にプレイステーション用にリリースされたゲームの数を答える問題。

$ sudo mysql                           
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 33
Server version: 10.11.2-MariaDB-1 Debian n/a

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> source db.sql


Query OK, 1 row affected (0.001 sec)

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.001 sec)


MariaDB [gamestore]> select platform_id from Platforms where platform_name = 'PlayStation';
| platform_id |
|           2 |
1 row in set (0.000 sec)


MariaDB [gamestore]> select count(*) from Games join GamePlatforms on Games.game_id = GamePlatforms.game_id where platform_id = 2 and release_date >= '2000-01-01' and release_date < '2010-01-01';
| count(*) |
|       42 |
1 row in set (0.001 sec)

Ultron Encodes (RE/Pwn 50)

$ strings ul7r0n3nc0desStrings             
!!!!!!Hint maybe check for utf16LE???


$ strings ul7r0n3nc0desStrings --encoding=L

Out of Bounds (Web 50)

指定のURLにアクセスすると、にリダイレクトされる。「Show Me The Posts!!」をクリックすると、に遷移する。/post/2以降に遷移でき、/post/5以降はコンテンツがない。にアクセスしてみると、フラグが表示された。




Over 9000 (Web 50)を見ると、以下のようになっている。

let currentEnergy = 0;

function gatheringEnergy(){
    if(currentEnergy == 10)
        alert("out of energy try again :(")
        currentEnergy = 0;
    else if (currentEnergy > 9000)
            data:{energy: currentEnergy},
            success: function(flag){
            error: function(responseText,status, error){
                console.log(`Tell the infrastructure team to fix this: Status = ${status} ; Error = ${error}`);



$ curl -d "energy=9001"                                       

Malicious Threat (Forensics 50)

添付されているログを確認すると、以下の怪しいログがある。 - - [26/Feb/2024:08:46:37 -0500] "GET /admin/ufile.io/y8ls94tu HTTP 1.1" 401 2048


$ unzip Admin.zip          
Archive:  Admin.zip
  inflating: Admin/customers.csv     
  inflating: Admin/employee.csv      
  inflating: Admin/organizations.csv  
  inflating: Admin/people.csv        
  inflating: Admin/users.csv
$ cd Admin
$ grep -rl texsaw .
$ cat users.csv | grep texsaw
"2024-02-26 10:35:00 - Admin User 3 texsaw{g0tcha_fl@g_m1ne} - FAILED"

The Forked Cave (Forensics 50)

$ cd .git
$ cat refs/heads/master 
$ python -c 'import zlib; print zlib.decompress(open("objects/fc/c7c65ddcfa630ebe5c97cae9b014389957dbc7").read())'
commit 245tree cb0c253c9d670bf57f98427112127ac568e55400
parent 9c6d7b5d77ba2f73fca83d026de1fe7904ce6e0b
author Chris Wang <chriswang444@gmail.com> 1539982910 -0500
committer Chris Wang <chriswang444@gmail.com> 1539982910 -0500

Something went very wrong.

$ python -c 'import zlib; print zlib.decompress(open("objects/cb/0c253c9d670bf57f98427112127ac568e55400").read())' | xxd -g 1
00000000: 74 72 65 65 20 31 32 30 00 31 30 30 36 34 34 20  tree 120.100644 
00000010: 6b 6e 69 67 68 74 2e 74 78 74 00 6c 92 65 ef 6d  knight.txt.l.e.m
00000020: 95 58 52 46 77 6b 2d 78 53 56 3d 10 f3 ba ed 31  .XRFwk-xSV=....1
00000030: 30 30 36 34 34 20 70 61 72 74 79 66 6c 61 67 2e  00644 partyflag.
00000040: 74 78 74 00 bd 10 ad af ee 89 ee fe 0e cd 48 e2  txt...........H.
00000050: 96 88 bb cf 71 31 8e 1c 31 30 30 36 34 34 20 70  ....q1..100644 p
00000060: 72 69 65 73 74 65 73 73 2e 74 78 74 00 09 c9 09  riestess.txt....
00000070: ac 51 ad 7b 0f ef 4f 27 4f f2 1b 58 f9 38 73 e0  .Q.{..O'O..X.8s.
00000080: 76 0a                                            v.

$ python -c 'import zlib; print zlib.decompress(open("objects/bd/10adafee89eefe0ecd48e29688bbcf71318e1c").read())'
blob 30texsaw{git_r3set_f_htb_qwltf}


$ python -c 'import zlib; print zlib.decompress(open("objects/9c/6d7b5d77ba2f73fca83d026de1fe7904ce6e0b").read())'
commit 237tree 20ee707c020242ed3d3eae5b983b130060d8160d
parent 02589c89210a9718a03992eec1a7da85e15c7c7d
author Chris Wang <chriswang444@gmail.com> 1539982872 -0500
committer Chris Wang <chriswang444@gmail.com> 1539982872 -0500

The battle begins!

$ python -c 'import zlib; print zlib.decompress(open("objects/20/ee707c020242ed3d3eae5b983b130060d8160d").read())' | xxd -g 1
00000000: 74 72 65 65 20 33 31 31 00 31 30 30 36 34 34 20  tree 311.100644 
00000010: 62 72 61 77 6c 65 72 2e 74 78 74 00 c7 10 56 79  brawler.txt...Vy
00000020: 84 9c 66 d7 39 e6 a4 f2 b4 36 70 a9 05 9a 0d 3e  ..f.9....6p....>
00000030: 31 30 30 36 34 34 20 63 72 65 65 70 65 72 2e 74  100644 creeper.t
00000040: 78 74 00 27 01 57 b1 21 c6 d4 3e 23 28 49 66 ae  xt.'.W.!..>#(If.
00000050: fa 73 08 2b ab b1 4d 31 30 30 36 34 34 20 64 65  .s.+..M100644 de
00000060: 6d 6f 6e 2e 74 78 74 00 83 a9 4f 99 39 46 d9 cd  mon.txt...O.9F..
00000070: cf e2 7f 64 d7 79 74 a9 5d 43 df 6c 31 30 30 36  ...d.yt.]C.l1006
00000080: 34 34 20 67 6f 62 6c 69 6e 2e 74 78 74 00 a5 d5  44 goblin.txt...
00000090: 7a 2b a6 ec 94 be 96 48 df 24 6e b7 6a e1 23 d8  z+.....H.$n.j.#.
000000a0: 1d af 31 30 30 36 34 34 20 70 72 69 65 73 74 65  ..100644 prieste
000000b0: 73 73 2e 74 78 74 00 d3 e3 6b 7f cf e0 98 09 c6  ss.txt...k......
000000c0: 93 73 5b ab 04 79 de 6b e4 e3 f7 31 30 30 36 34  .s[..y.k...10064
000000d0: 34 20 73 6b 65 6c 65 74 6f 6e 2e 74 78 74 00 02  4 skeleton.txt..
000000e0: 05 7f 08 c9 e3 6f 42 12 89 88 52 df 1d 73 e5 65  .....oB...R..s.e
000000f0: 8b b5 00 31 30 30 36 34 34 20 73 6f 6c 64 69 65  ...100644 soldie
00000100: 72 2e 74 78 74 00 74 9e 0b 54 fc 6b 97 18 0e f0  r.txt.t..T.k....
00000110: 17 81 7a d3 c6 fd 7a 95 0a 0c 31 30 30 36 34 34  ..z...z...100644
00000120: 20 77 69 7a 61 72 64 2e 74 78 74 00 96 57 cf a2   wizard.txt..W..
00000130: 01 7e c5 40 f5 6f ef 6f 8b 16 b1 05 ee 3e eb d3  .~.@.o.o.....>..
00000140: 0a                                               .


$ python -c 'import zlib; print zlib.decompress(open("objects/02/057f08c9e36f4212898852df1d73e5658bb500").read())'
blob 50I'm Sans Undertale. Get ready to have a bad time.

$ python -c 'import zlib; print zlib.decompress(open("objects/02/589c89210a9718a03992eec1a7da85e15c7c7d").read())'
commit 197tree 7717189b1facf2db5f828de25662e25da50f89e7
author Chris Wang <chriswang444@gmail.com> 1539982828 -0500
committer Chris Wang <chriswang444@gmail.com> 1539982828 -0500

The party enters the cave.

$ python -c 'import zlib; print zlib.decompress(open("objects/6c/9265ef6d95585246776b2d7853563d10f3baed").read())'
blob 30We'll kill them one by one...

$ python -c 'import zlib; print zlib.decompress(open("objects/09/c909ac51ad7b0fef4f274ff21b58f93873e076").read())'
blob 37I've seen things I shouldn't have...

$ python -c 'import zlib; print zlib.decompress(open("objects/27/0157b121c6d43e23284966aefa73082babb14d").read())'
blob 9C3H5N3O9

$ python -c 'import zlib; print zlib.decompress(open("objects/74/9e0b54fc6b97180ef017817ad3c6fd7a950a0c").read())'
blob 36My broadsword is too big for CQC...

$ python -c 'import zlib; print zlib.decompress(open("objects/77/17189b1facf2db5f828de25662e25da50f89e7").read())' | xxd -g 1
00000000: 74 72 65 65 20 31 39 38 00 31 30 30 36 34 34 20  tree 198.100644 
00000010: 62 72 61 77 6c 65 72 2e 74 78 74 00 c7 10 56 79  brawler.txt...Vy
00000020: 84 9c 66 d7 39 e6 a4 f2 b4 36 70 a9 05 9a 0d 3e  ..f.9....6p....>
00000030: 31 30 30 36 34 34 20 70 61 72 74 79 66 6c 61 67  100644 partyflag
00000040: 2e 74 78 74 00 f3 9f 6b 24 a5 d1 33 47 11 ea 64  .txt...k$..3G..d
00000050: e2 69 ab 24 07 14 e8 17 f1 31 30 30 36 34 34 20  .i.$.....100644 
00000060: 70 72 69 65 73 74 65 73 73 2e 74 78 74 00 d3 e3  priestess.txt...
00000070: 6b 7f cf e0 98 09 c6 93 73 5b ab 04 79 de 6b e4  k.......s[..y.k.
00000080: e3 f7 31 30 30 36 34 34 20 73 6f 6c 64 69 65 72  ..100644 soldier
00000090: 2e 74 78 74 00 74 9e 0b 54 fc 6b 97 18 0e f0 17  .txt.t..T.k.....
000000a0: 81 7a d3 c6 fd 7a 95 0a 0c 31 30 30 36 34 34 20  .z...z...100644 
000000b0: 77 69 7a 61 72 64 2e 74 78 74 00 96 57 cf a2 01  wizard.txt..W...
000000c0: 7e c5 40 f5 6f ef 6f 8b 16 b1 05 ee 3e eb d3 0a  ~.@.o.o.....>...

$ python -c 'import zlib; print zlib.decompress(open("objects/f3/9f6b24a5d1334711ea64e269ab240714e817f1").read())'
blob 30texsaw{git_g00d_or_git_d3ath}

MFMFT (Forensics 100)


Oh, this might help: [0, 10, 17, 18, 5, 6, 15, 13, 9, 16, 12, 5, 11, 1, 14, 5, 7, 6, 7, 3, 2, 2, 10, 8, 4, 7]
>MFTECmd.exe -f TheMFT --csv .
MFTECmd version

Author: Eric Zimmerman (saericzimmerman@gmail.com)

Command line: -f TheMFT --csv .

File type: Mft

Processed TheMFT in 0.0153 seconds

TheMFT: FILE records found: 0 (Free records: 30) File size: 30KB
        CSV output will be saved to .\20240324123516_MFTECmd_$MFT_Output.csv


64,3,False,85,2,.Trash-1001\     ,3,,32,1,,False,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 03:53:06.5982428,,2024-03-04 03:53:06.5984984,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4373758,2024-03-04 03:53:06.5984984,2024-03-04 03:53:08.7541090,,0,0,0,,,
65,3,False,85,2,.Trash-1001\     ,F,,32,1,,False,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 03:53:06.5985849,,2024-03-04 03:53:06.5987176,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4559919,2024-03-04 03:53:06.5987176,2024-03-04 03:53:08.7553057,,0,0,0,,,
66,3,False,85,2,.Trash-1001\     ,2,,32,1,,False,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 03:53:06.5987856,,2024-03-04 03:53:06.5999261,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4344358,2024-03-04 03:53:06.5999261,2024-03-04 03:53:08.7554917,,0,0,0,,,
67,3,False,85,2,.Trash-1001\     ,f,,32,1,,False,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 03:53:06.5989500,,2024-03-04 03:53:06.5990127,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4538910,2024-03-04 03:53:06.5990127,2024-03-04 03:53:08.7556665,,0,0,0,,,
68,3,False,85,2,.Trash-1001\     ,8,,32,1,,False,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 03:53:06.5990638,,2024-03-04 03:53:06.5991274,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4456464,2024-03-04 03:53:06.5991274,2024-03-04 03:53:08.7558601,,0,0,0,,,
69,3,False,85,2,.Trash-1001\     ,_,,32,1,,False,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 03:53:06.5991804,,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6009016,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4317408,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6009016,2024-03-04 03:53:08.7560750,,0,0,0,,,
70,3,False,85,2,.Trash-1001\     ,b,,32,1,,False,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 03:53:06.5992970,,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6003470,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4477256,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6003470,2024-03-04 03:53:08.7562797,,0,0,0,,,
71,3,False,85,2,.Trash-1001\     ,7,,32,1,,False,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 03:53:06.5994119,,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6004484,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4437273,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6004484,2024-03-04 03:53:08.7564516,,0,0,0,,,
72,3,False,85,2,.Trash-1001\     ,5,,32,1,,False,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 03:53:06.5995273,,2024-03-04 03:53:06.5995903,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4417241,2024-03-04 03:53:06.5995903,2024-03-04 03:53:08.7566222,,0,0,0,,,
73,3,False,85,2,.Trash-1001\     ,e,,32,1,,False,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 03:53:06.5996409,,2024-03-04 03:53:06.5997045,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4497348,2024-03-04 03:53:06.5997045,2024-03-04 03:53:08.7567934,,0,0,0,,,
74,3,False,85,2,.Trash-1001\     ,4,,32,1,,False,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 03:53:06.5997584,,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6013519,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4397756,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6013519,2024-03-04 03:53:08.7569632,,0,0,0,,,
75,3,False,85,2,.Trash-1001\     ,M,,32,1,,False,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 03:53:06.5999791,,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6000419,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4579075,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6000419,2024-03-04 03:53:08.7571342,,0,0,0,,,
76,3,False,85,2,.Trash-1001\     ,Y,,32,1,,False,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6005016,,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6005653,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4674893,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6005653,2024-03-04 03:53:08.7573038,,0,0,0,,,
77,3,False,85,2,.Trash-1001\     ,E,,32,1,,False,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6006191,,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6006828,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4517453,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6006828,2024-03-04 03:53:08.7574742,,0,0,0,,,
78,3,False,85,2,.Trash-1001\     ,T,,32,1,,False,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6007363,,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6007997,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4637358,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6007997,2024-03-04 03:53:08.7576692,,0,0,0,,,
79,3,False,85,2,.Trash-1001\     ,r,,32,1,,False,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6009555,,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6010189,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4598378,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6010189,2024-03-04 03:53:08.7578745,,0,0,0,,,
80,3,False,85,2,.Trash-1001\     ,z,,32,1,,False,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6010703,,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6011340,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4694044,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6011340,2024-03-04 03:53:08.7580854,,0,0,0,,,
81,3,False,85,2,.Trash-1001\     ,s,,32,1,,False,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6011869,,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6012500,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4617396,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6012500,2024-03-04 03:53:08.7582727,,0,0,0,,,
82,3,False,85,2,.Trash-1001\     ,y,,32,1,,False,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6014054,,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6014684,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4655793,2024-03-04 03:53:06.6014684,2024-03-04 03:53:08.7584517,,0,0,0,,,
83,3,False,5,5,,.Trash-1001,,0,1,,True,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4309354,,2024-03-04 04:03:02.5524727,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4309354,2024-03-04 04:03:02.5524727,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4309354,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4364638,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4309354,0,0,0,,,
84,3,False,83,2,.Trash-1001,    ,,0,1,,True,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4310661,,2024-03-04 04:03:02.5249755,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4310661,2024-03-04 04:03:02.5249755,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4310661,2024-03-04 04:03:02.4995365,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4310661,0,0,0,,,
85,3,False,83,2,.Trash-1001,     ,,0,1,,True,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4311379,,2024-03-04 04:03:02.5512914,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4311379,2024-03-04 04:03:02.5512914,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4311379,2024-03-04 04:03:02.4985102,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4311379,0,0,0,,,
86,11,False,84,2,.Trash-1001\    ,z.                   000000039,.                   000000039,0,1,,False,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4689668,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4689668,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4692604,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4689668,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4689668,,0,0,0,,,
87,3,False,84,2,.Trash-1001\    ,_.         ,.         ,53,1,,False,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4313758,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4314335,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4316200,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4314335,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4319003,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4313758,0,0,0,,,
88,5,False,84,2,.Trash-1001\    ,8.trashinfo,.trashinfo,53,1,,False,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4452771,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4453303,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4455187,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4453303,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4457853,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4452771,0,0,0,,,
89,3,False,84,2,.Trash-1001\    ,2.         ,.         ,53,1,,False,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4340525,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4341177,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4343058,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4341177,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4346275,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4340525,0,0,0,,,
90,5,False,84,2,.Trash-1001\    ,M.         ,.         ,53,1,,False,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4575833,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4576289,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4577964,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4576289,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4580561,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4575833,0,0,0,,,
91,3,False,84,2,.Trash-1001\    ,b.         ,.         ,53,1,,False,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4473670,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4474178,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4475986,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4474178,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4478765,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4473670,0,0,0,,,
92,5,False,84,2,.Trash-1001\    ,z.         ,.         ,53,1,,False,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4690767,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4691226,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4692923,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4691226,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4695342,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4690767,0,0,0,,,
93,3,False,84,2,.Trash-1001\    ,r.         ,.         ,53,1,,False,False,False,False,False,False,Archive,Posix,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4594638,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4595174,,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4597089,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4595174,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4599829,2024-03-04 04:02:58.4594638,0,0,0,,,


[0, 10, 17, 18, 5, 6, 15, 13, 9, 16, 12, 5, 11, 1, 14, 5, 7, 6, 7, 3, 2, 2, 10, 8, 4, 7]
 3   4   s   y  _  b   r   E  e   z   Y  _   M  F   T  _  7  b  7  f  2  2   4  5  8  7



MalWhere? (Forensics 200)

$ file hwvidmigplugin.exe
hwvidmigplugin.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS Windows, 3 sections


powershell.exe -nop -w hidden -noni -c;$b=$env:windir+'\syswow64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe';$s=New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo;$s.FileName=$b;$s.Arguments='-noni -nop -w hidden -c &([scriptblock]::create((New-Object System.IO.StreamReader(New-Object System.IO.Compression.GzipStream((New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream(,[System.Convert]::FromBase64String(''H4sIAC3yPWUA/21ST+saMRT8KjlsUEkDef/yp7JQWvhBoVAvPYmHtQhaRIvY0kM/vC9bTDz0sodhMjNvZofrTzOa7ffjdNvudh+W29PlvltKIAshOYbVu39IIlREfAOIi0UsLjyBktlmCR5Kp4BFFtdFAlrJ2ckTYFRVjj49gaw2MaHn3GVBjdFDeyQqCxIcNg7KzHGITaewTYA+dk6oHHrRiaQXcPDcXlFOFkCVe8CElhg9toSQajWl30AhWsigRazWw236T5uJ2EIE13xq3hK6hLDWoL7U4mtRxNo2txqYbIbXdlHUV3JfBClboOBiU0HSEsQ32aI+qFF7kKDJArnug6XWFPpm80Q6a1NlrY0wuxYENFpCx+0cVbSS+p+RlIA6RjOJmkOEXB+5/l2RO4OK3sK61tzq+TaaWq3/cT1dzGKxHqY/Y/1zO7Afh8Pl9/vNt49fPn8yzuibyjJ/zddfd/92Oh/M/N1M96MZ9usHQYmIpvgCAAA=''))),[System.IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Decompress))).ReadToEnd()))';$s.UseShellExecute=$false;$s.RedirectStandardOutput=$true;$s.WindowStyle='Hidden';$s.CreateNoWindow=$true;$p=[System.Diagnostics.Process]::Start($s);


#!/usr/bin/env python3
from base64 import *

enc = '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'
dec = b64decode(enc)

with open('flag.gz', 'wb') as f:
$ file flag.gz
flag.gz: gzip compressed data, last modified: Sun Oct 29 05:48:29 2023, original size modulo 2^32 760


$ gzip -d flag.gz
$ cat flag
$op = [char[]]@([int](503%107+41),[int](732%105-1),[int](349%229+0),[int](984%850-19),[int](341%245+1),[int](702%588+5),[int](422%146-7),[int](832%672-48),[int](981%102-15),[int](541%150+28),[int](251%102+22),[int](894%712-68),[int](201%103-15),[int](639%240-42),[int](387%110+25),[int](472%342-27),[int](173%109+5),[int](306%181+0));$ra = [char[]]@([int](734%161+2),[int](251%90+5),[int](542%110+3),[int](802%345-14),[int](943%810-19),[int](256%158-1),[int](238%130+6),[int](823%715-3),[int](942%281+2),[int](204%103+14),[int](291%100+1),[int](422%150-6),[int](439%328+9),[int](143%72+45),[int](103%57+0),[int](743%212-4),[int](642%553+8),[int](932%164-4),[int](398%143-10));$lr= $ra -join '';$ax=$op -join '';$b=$env:PUBLIC + $lr;$ax | Out-File -FilePath $b;


#!/usr/bin/env python3
codes = '[int](503%107+41),[int](732%105-1),[int](349%229+0),[int](984%850-19),[int](341%245+1),[int](702%588+5),[int](422%146-7),[int](832%672-48),[int](981%102-15),[int](541%150+28),[int](251%102+22),[int](894%712-68),[int](201%103-15),[int](639%240-42),[int](387%110+25),[int](472%342-27),[int](173%109+5),[int](306%181+0)'
codes = codes.replace('[int](', '').replace(')', '')
codes = codes.split(',')

flag = ''
for code in codes:
    flag += chr(eval(code))

Crypto Trail (Cryptography 50)


#!/usr/bin/env python3
from base64 import *
import string

def caesar(s, key):
    d = ''
    for c in s:
        code = ord(c)
        if c in string.ascii_uppercase:
            code = code - key
            if code < ord('A'):
                code += 26
        elif c in string.ascii_lowercase:
            code = code - key
            if code < ord('a'):
                code += 26
        d += chr(code)
    return d

codes = '00110101 01100001 00100000 00110011 00110011 00100000 00110100 01100001 00100000 00110111 00110010 00100000 00110101 01100001 00100000 00110110 01100100 00100000 00110011 00110101 00100000 00110111 00110001 00100000 00110110 00110101 00100000 00110011 00110010 00100000 00110110 00110100 00100000 00110100 00110110 00100000 00110110 00110010 00100000 00110110 01100001 00100000 00110100 00110110 00100000 00110101 01100001 00100000 00110101 01100001 00100000 00110110 01100011 00100000 00110011 00111001 00100000 00110110 01100011 00100000 00110101 00110011 00100000 00110100 00110111 00100000 00110100 00110110 00100000 00110110 00110110 00100000 00110110 00110011 00100000 00110100 00110100 00100000 00110100 00110010 00100000 00110101 01100001 00100000 00110101 00110101 00100000 00110101 00111000 00100000 00110011 00110000 00100000 00110011 01100100'
codes = codes.split(' ')

msg = ''
for code in codes:
    msg += chr(int(code, 2))
print('[+]', msg)

codes = msg.split(' ')
msg = ''
for code in codes:
    msg += chr(int(code, 16))
print('[+]', msg)

msg = b64decode(msg).decode()
print('[+]', msg)

msg = caesar(msg, 13)
print('[*]', msg)


[+] 5a 33 4a 72 5a 6d 35 71 65 32 64 46 62 6a 46 5a 5a 6c 39 6c 53 47 46 66 63 44 42 5a 55 58 30 3d
[+] Z3JrZm5qe2dFbjFZZl9lSGFfcDBZUX0=
[+] grkfnj{gEn1Yf_eHa_p0YQ}
[*] texsaw{tRa1Ls_rUn_c0LD}

Freaky Flags (Cryptography 50)


#!/usr/bin/env python3
from PIL import Image

img = Image.open('freakyFlags.png').convert('RGB')
w, h = img.size

flag = ''
for y in [30, 100, 190, 310, 450, 560, 660]:
    r, g, b = img.getpixel((0, y))
    flag += chr(r)
    flag += chr(g)
    flag += chr(b)

Ironcrypt (Cryptography 300)


・one = "----------------"(不明という意味か)
・two = "----------------"(不明という意味か)
・maxlen = 256
・message: 入力
・msglen: messageの長さ
 ・messageに"0"を16 - msglen % 16個パディング
・encrypted = encrypt(message, one)
 ・AES OFBモードでoneをkeyにしてtwoをivにしてmessageを暗号化
$ nc 9013
Give me a message to encrypt:
Encryption Key:    texsaw{gl0ry_to_
Original Message:  1230000000000000
Message in Hex:    31323330303030303030303030303030
Encrypted Message: 3ac480e66ae6101e7d59484d0bcd5ad2


平文1ブロック目 ^ 暗号文1ブロック目 --(AES ECBモード復号)--> IV
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Util.strxor import strxor

key = b'texsaw{gl0ry_to_'
pt = b'1230000000000000'
ct = bytes.fromhex('3ac480e66ae6101e7d59484d0bcd5ad2')

aes = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
iv = aes.decrypt(strxor(pt, ct))

flag = (key + iv).decode()