vsCTF 2022 Writeup

この大会は2022/7/10 1:00(JST)~2022/7/11 1:00(JST)に開催されました。

Sanity Check (Web)



Discord (Miscellaneous)



Recovery (Cryptography)


 ・key: passwdの末尾から1バイト飛びで、各文字のASCIIコード分"[7-9]vs"という形式の文字列を構成した配列
 ・gate: 固定の25個の整数配列
  ・a = i + 1
  ・len(key[i]) == 3 * (gate[i] + 7 * a) // a
 ・hammer: passwdの2バイト目から1バイト飛びで、12個目まで以下のような構成になる。
  {1: passwd[1] + passwd[25], 3: passwd[3] + passwd[27], ..., }
 ・hammerの各要素でpasswd[i] + passwd[i+24]を"."で結合したものをbase64エンコードしたものが

まず末尾から1バイト飛びの文字については、3 * (gate[i] + 7 * a) // aを計算し、3で割ったものがASCIIコードになることを使って、復元する。次に先頭2バイトから1バイト飛びの文字については、base64デコードしたものから"."区切りで順に文字列を取り出し、復元する。あとは復元したものを交互に結合し、フラグを復元する。

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from base64 import b64decode

gate = [118, 140, 231, 176, 205, 480, 308, 872, 702, 820, 1034, 1176, 1339,
    1232, 1605, 1792, 782, 810, 1197, 880, 924, 1694, 2185, 2208, 2775]

flag2 = ''
for i in range(25):
    a = i + 1
    code = (3 * (gate[i] + 7 * a) // a) // 3
    flag2 = chr(code) + flag2

block = b'c3MxLnRkMy57XzUuaE83LjVfOS5faDExLkxfMTMuR0gxNS5fTDE3LjNfMTkuMzEyMS5pMzIz'

flag1 = [''] * 24
s = b64decode(block).split(b'.')
for i in range(len(s)):
    flag1[i] = chr(s[i][0])
    flag1[i+12] = chr(s[i][1])
flag1 = ''.join(flag1)

flag = ''
for i in range(len(flag1)):
    flag += flag2[i]
    flag += flag1[i]
flag += flag2[-1]

Baby RSA (Cryptography)


n = 52419317100235286358057114349639882093779997394202082664044401328860087685103
e = 101


>yafu-x64.exe "factor(52419317100235286358057114349639882093779997394202082664044401328860087685103)" -v -threads 4

07/10/22 07:20:04 v1.34.5 @ XXXX-XXXX, System/Build Info:
Using GMP-ECM 6.3, Powered by GMP 5.1.1
detected Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700 CPU @ 2.90GHz
detected L1 = 32768 bytes, L2 = 16777216 bytes, CL = 64 bytes
measured cpu frequency ~= 2894.441030
using 20 random witnesses for Rabin-Miller PRP checks

======= Welcome to YAFU (Yet Another Factoring Utility) =======
=======             bbuhrow@gmail.com                   =======
=======     Type help at any time, or quit to quit      =======
cached 78498 primes. pmax = 999983

>> fac: factoring 52419317100235286358057114349639882093779997394202082664044401328860087685103
fac: using pretesting plan: normal
fac: no tune info: using qs/gnfs crossover of 95 digits
div: primes less than 10000
fmt: 1000000 iterations
rho: x^2 + 3, starting 1000 iterations on C77
rho: x^2 + 2, starting 1000 iterations on C77
rho: x^2 + 1, starting 1000 iterations on C77
pm1: starting B1 = 150K, B2 = gmp-ecm default on C77
fac: setting target pretesting digits to 23.69
fac: sum of completed work is t0.00
fac: work done at B1=2000: 0 curves, max work = 30 curves
fac: 30 more curves at B1=2000 needed to get to t23.69
ecm: 30/30 curves on C77, B1=2K, B2=gmp-ecm default
fac: setting target pretesting digits to 23.69
fac: t15: 1.00
fac: t20: 0.04
fac: sum of completed work is t15.18
fac: work done at B1=11000: 0 curves, max work = 74 curves
fac: 74 more curves at B1=11000 needed to get to t23.69
ecm: 74/74 curves on C77, B1=11K, B2=gmp-ecm default
fac: setting target pretesting digits to 23.69
fac: t15: 7.17
fac: t20: 1.04
fac: t25: 0.05
fac: sum of completed work is t20.24
fac: work done at B1=50000: 0 curves, max work = 214 curves
fac: 149 more curves at B1=50000 needed to get to t23.69
ecm: 149/149 curves on C77, B1=50K, B2=gmp-ecm default, ETA: 0 sec
fac: setting target pretesting digits to 23.69
fac: t15: 28.45
fac: t20: 8.13
fac: t25: 0.74
fac: t30: 0.05
fac: sum of completed work is t23.72

starting SIQS on c77: 52419317100235286358057114349639882093779997394202082664044401328860087685103

==== sieve params ====
n = 79 digits, 260 bits
factor base: 34944 primes (max prime = 882967)
single large prime cutoff: 75052195 (85 * pmax)
allocating 7 large prime slices of factor base
buckets hold 2048 elements
using SSE4.1 enabled 32k sieve core
sieve interval: 10 blocks of size 32768
polynomial A has ~ 10 factors
using multiplier of 23
using SPV correction of 22 bits, starting at offset 41
using SSE2 for x64 sieve scanning
using SSE2 for resieving 13-16 bit primes
using SSE2 for 8x trial divison to 13 bits
using SSE4.1 and inline ASM for small prime sieving
using SSE2 for poly updating up to 15 bits
using SSE4.1 for medium prime poly updating
using SSE4.1 and inline ASM for large prime poly updating
trial factoring cutoff at 88 bits

==== sieving in progress ( 4 threads):   35008 relations needed ====
====            Press ctrl-c to abort and save state            ====
35775 rels found: 18827 full + 16948 from 179344 partial, (10962.98 rels/sec)

sieving required 60180 total polynomials
trial division touched 2821739 sieve locations out of 39439564800
QS elapsed time = 18.1073 seconds.

==== post processing stage (msieve-1.38) ====
begin with 198171 relations
reduce to 50546 relations in 2 passes
attempting to read 50546 relations
recovered 50546 relations
recovered 34267 polynomials
freed 24 duplicate relations
attempting to build 35751 cycles
found 35751 cycles in 1 passes
distribution of cycle lengths:
   length 1 : 18824
   length 2 : 16927
largest cycle: 2 relations
matrix is 34944 x 35751 (5.1 MB) with weight 1050811 (29.39/col)
sparse part has weight 1050811 (29.39/col)
filtering completed in 3 passes
matrix is 24604 x 24668 (3.9 MB) with weight 816278 (33.09/col)
sparse part has weight 816278 (33.09/col)
saving the first 48 matrix rows for later
matrix is 24556 x 24668 (3.2 MB) with weight 660080 (26.76/col)
sparse part has weight 586096 (23.76/col)
matrix includes 64 packed rows
using block size 9867 for processor cache size 16384 kB
commencing Lanczos iteration
memory use: 2.9 MB
lanczos halted after 390 iterations (dim = 24548)
recovered 13 nontrivial dependencies
Lanczos elapsed time = 0.8640 seconds.
Sqrt elapsed time = 0.0230 seconds.
SIQS elapsed time = 18.9947 seconds.
pretesting / qs ratio was 0.59
Total factoring time = 30.2311 seconds

***factors found***

P39 = 283378097758180413812138939650885549231
P39 = 184980129074643957218827272858529362113

ans = 1

p - 1もq - 1もeと互いに素ではないため、通常の復号方法で復号できない。mod p, qの場合の式で、このことを前提にCRTを使いながら、復号する。

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from sympy.ntheory.modular import crt

c = 0x459cc234f24a2fb115ff10e272130048d996f5b562964ee6138442a4429af847

with open('pubkey.pem', 'r') as f:
    pub_data = f.read()

pubkey = RSA.importKey(pub_data)
n = pubkey.n
e = pubkey.e
print('[+] n =', n)
print('[+] e =', e)

p = 283378097758180413812138939650885549231
q = 184980129074643957218827272858529362113
assert p * q == n
assert (p - 1) % e == 0
assert (q - 1) % e == 0

_lambda = p - 1
assert _lambda % e == 0
assert _lambda // e % e != 0
L = pow(2, _lambda // e, p)
assert L > 1
d = inverse(e, _lambda // e)

m1s = []
for i in range(e):
    m = pow(c % p, d, p) * pow(L, i, p) % p

_lambda = q - 1
assert _lambda % e == 0
assert _lambda // e % e != 0
L = pow(2, _lambda // e, q)
assert L > 1
d = inverse(e, _lambda // e)

m2s = []
for i in range(e):
    m = pow(c % q, d, q) * pow(L, i, q) % q

for m1 in m1s:
    for m2 in m2s:
        m, _ = crt([p, q], [m1, m2])
        flag = long_to_bytes(m)
        if flag.startswith(b'vsctf{'):
            flag = flag.decode()
            print('[*] flag:', flag)


[+] n = 52419317100235286358057114349639882093779997394202082664044401328860087685103
[+] e = 101
[*] flag: vsctf{5m411_Pr1m3_15_Un54f3!}

Art Final (Cryptography)


・boring_pix: Art_Final_2022.pngのデータ
・spicy_pix: 新イメージデータ初期化
・rgba: ランダム32ビット整数を8ビットずつリトルエンディアンで分離
・spicy_pix: boring_pixの各ピクセルのRGBAデータとrgbaとのXOR
・key: ランダム16バイト文字列
・iv: ランダム16バイト文字列
・iv + flagをパディングしてAES-CBC暗号化し、その後base64エンコードしたものを表示

32bitランダム整数のデータがたくさん得られそうなので、Mersenne Twisterの特徴から状態を復元し、ランダム値を得られるようにすれば、AESの鍵が得られ、復号できる。

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import random
from PIL import Image
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Util.Padding import unpad
from base64 import b64decode

def four_to_one_int(ns):
    ret = 0
    for n in ns[::-1]:
        ret *= 256
        ret += n
    return ret

def untemper(rand):
    rand ^= rand >> 18;
    rand ^= (rand << 15) & 0xefc60000;
    a = rand ^ ((rand << 7) & 0x9d2c5680);
    b = rand ^ ((a << 7) & 0x9d2c5680);
    c = rand ^ ((b << 7) & 0x9d2c5680);
    d = rand ^ ((c << 7) & 0x9d2c5680);
    rand = rand ^ ((d << 7) & 0x9d2c5680);
    rand ^= ((rand ^ (rand >> 11)) >> 11);
    return rand

boring = Image.open('Art_Final_2022.png', 'r').convert('RGBA')
boring_pix = boring.load()

spicy = Image.open('ENHANCED_Final_2022.png', 'r').convert('RGBA')
spicy_pix = spicy.load()

N = 624
state = []
collect = True
for i in range(boring.size[0] * boring.size[1]):
    x = i % boring.size[0]
    y = i // boring.size[0]
    rgba = tuple([bore ^ spice for bore, spice \
        in zip(boring_pix[x, y], spicy_pix[x, y])])
    num = four_to_one_int(rgba)
    if collect:
        rgba2 = tuple(random.randbytes(4))
        assert rgba == rgba2
    if len(state) == 624:
        collect = False
        random.setstate([3, tuple(state), None])

enc_flag = b64decode('Tl5nK8L2KYZRCJCqLF7TbgKLgy1vIkH+KIAJv5/ILFoC+llemcmoLmCQYkiOrJ/orOOV+lwX+cVh+pwE5mtx6w==')

key = bytes(random.sample(random.randbytes(16), 16))
iv = enc_flag[:AES.block_size]
enc = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
flag = unpad(enc.decrypt(enc_flag[AES.block_size:]), AES.block_size).decode()

Feedback Survey (Miscellaneous)

